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Proper Education

Angel Beat


About college: I think I'll be doing something in the art direction. Digital media sounds interesting. Also, I tend to like photography, although I'm not always uploading and showing pictures. (I do need to buy myself a digital camera some time..)


So yeah.. there's a lot of choice for me. But now to make the right one. Decisions.. Decisions..


I could always do English and Japanese alongside it, I guess. Both languages are available as home studying stuff.


Speaking of education...


According to a study, it has been made clear that the quality of the Dutch education system has been declining (rapidly?) for the last twenty years thanks to politics. <.<


That's all I'll say about that little bit. xD


Maybe I should go to the United States in a few years to study... Spice things up a bit. :P


In some other news: I tried the Devil May Cry 4 demo for the Xbox 360. It rocks so much I now have to buy the full game. Mweee...


Recommended Comments

It's what I plan to do. *College in America bit)

Heard they have a very nice college in Boulder (or Bozeman, can't remember) Montana.

Although I don't think it's very artsy.

I just like Montana alot.

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My momma done told me nothing good about no ed-ew-my-cay-shun.

Haha's. She'd probably be right.


The only reason yu'd ome hereis just to catc a glimpse of BoA. :D


And maybe her unknown-release-date debut US Album.



For all I know, we could end up at very different places. :P


I can always buy the album online. :P


It's what I plan to do. (College in America bit)

Heard they have a very nice college in Boulder (or Bozeman, can't remember) Montana.

Although I don't think it's very artsy.

I just like Montana alot.

Hehehe, I see. I don't know where the good ones are myself, though. :P

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