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Attn: Whoever Designed Kiina



Go buy foot-long spikes. Strap them to the backs of your upper legs. Start doing acrobatics.


Then go make Kiina suck less.


Bumping with RELEVANCE


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"Ouch" to both the set designers and my legs.


Want some ice for that burn, designers?

I think you mean warm water.

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Didn't we already have this discussion for Tahu Mistaka?


And maybe Bitil?



Yah, hence the "Bumping with RELEVANCE" ;]

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Also, take a heavy-duty rachet, Grip it onto your shoulder and pull it up until your shoulder is completly diagonal.

I swear, the only reason im getting that set is for the spears and light blue vahki leg.
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You know (and it also applied to Tahu Mistika), these probably don't even make contact with the lower legs in any pose. The worst they do, I imagine, is make kneeling difficult.


I personally don't see why you're concerned about the realistic implications when the things (from what I've seen) contribute to the aesthetic awkwardness of those horrendously-thin legs. :wacko: The new joints may be useful, but I'd have preferred these to be compatible with the old ones and actually cover more of the leg.

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You know (and it also applied to Tahu Mistika), these probably don't even make contact with the lower legs in any pose. The worst they do, I imagine, is make kneeling difficult.


I personally don't see why you're concerned about the realistic implications when the things (from what I've seen) contribute to the aesthetic awkwardness of those horrendously-thin legs. :wacko: The new joints may be useful, but I'd have preferred these to be compatible with the old ones and actually cover more of the leg.


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