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Komok F A Q And Q & A



Okay, thanks everyone for signing up to be in my epic. It'll be interesting writing for some of you.

All the people who signed up will be used, but I cannot guarantee that you all will be main characters. Some of you will, for sure though.
To acompany the BZP cast, there are a handful of characters I've made up. Many of them will have to be Ga Matoran, since methinks none of you signed up as them. I was surprised.

There are four Toa and one Turaga at the start of the story. They are:

Toa Nilda, female Toa of Ice
Toa Rehye, male Toa of Fire
Toa Gaimu, male Toa of Gravity
Toa Kokara, (<name is WIP suggestions taken) male Toa of Green
Turaga Engre, (<pronounced 'injure') female Turaga of Water.

The villages are:
Monu Koro, village of the forges.
Takke Koro, village of the jungle.
Osoo Koro, village of the mines.
Raiwo Koro, village of the libraries.


Now for the Q&A, but that's your job. Ask me a question about it and I'll tell you, so long as it won't spoil the plot.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have some PMing and organizing to do with all your profiles...

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Methinks second or third chapter, so sooner than most.

Let me see... I'm beginning it funny, so even though you're just a couple scenes in with the "main" character, you won't be in the very beginning.

I say "main" because I'm putting alot of stress on the other characters as well. So it should be pretty unique...
By "main" I also mean me. :P

Next question!

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Edited because of silly punctuation mistakes.
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Mood... hmm...

Realistic. Moody. Grim at times, happy at times, awkward at times... etc... uh... I'm not really sure how to answer this.

It will be more character driven than action driven, if that helps. Sure there will be fights, but the bulk of what I've written so for is dialogue and such. Lots of thinking. I'm trying to, rather than just say: "Kamya is a happy, awkward Ta Matoran that likes to tell stories, but easily gets her feelings hurt." I'm trying to just write it so the characters personality shows through, and the reader can figure it out on their own.

Wow, that was a long answer, and I still don't think it answered your question.




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Edit: BTW, Kamya is like that...
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I haven't written for him yet. He's a little confusing... but I think I have a few uses for him. Not sure how important a character he'll be though.

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Okay. He can be one of the "humorous" characters.



Guess what? Gaimu has a BFH.



Big Freaking Hammer, if you didn't know.

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Two Q's.


1) Why don't you change Kokara's name to Kokaru. The A has a more feminine sound, and IMHO, Kokaru sounds better. More vowel differentiation or sumthin.


2) What kind of character am I? Main, extra, statue? I doubt I'm actually in it yet, but I thought I'd ask anyway.



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What about me?

What about you?

Two Q's.


1) Why don't you change Kokara's name to Kokaru. The A has a more feminine sound, and IMHO, Kokaru sounds better. More vowel differentiation or sumthin.


2) What kind of character am I? Main, extra, statue? I doubt I'm actually in it yet, but I thought I'd ask anyway.



Kokaru is better, thanks.

You... character... probably more main. Not for certain yet.

When will Dalek come in? Just curious.

Methinks you're already in it... I'm not sure if I put you or someone else in a certain part. I'm on a different desktop now so I can't check.

You'll probably be in the first few chapters. Most people will be in the first few chapters, methinks. Not too sure, though.


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How comes the development on Mord? And what job did you end up giving him?


BTW, I think it might sound better if the name is Kokoru, not Kokaru.

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How comes the development on Mord? And what job did you end up giving him?


BTW, I think it might sound better if the name is Kokoru, not Kokaru.

I haven't written about him yet. He'll come in in a few chapters... I haven't gotten serious about writing just yet. Still getting notes in order.

He's an athlete, but of a sport of my own making, like a cross between Akilini and lava surfing.

I'm thinking, if it's okay with you, to make him a bit dark. Not evil, just a little dark. Not the nicest guy. Not that he'll stay that way... I'll just see how it progresses. If that's okay.

Do you think you can fit my guy in?

I'm sure I will.

*sends a PM on the subject*


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Two questions...


1. When does Kolea(me) come in? Will I be a main character?

2.When will you post the story?



Late-ish. Probably about half way through or more. I can't say, I'll have to see as I go along.


Six months to a year for part one. I want to finish each part before I post them, and I want them to be long. Hopefully it won't take me a year, though.


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Well, he won't be not useful. I'm sure he'll have a part, his job being more unique, etc...




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Well thats good news ;), i hope he has some explosive moments...hahaha :rolleyes:



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I just got two questions.


Can you tell me how my character (Daz) will be integrated into the story? (Assuming you've got ideas for him already)


Also if you've thought of it, when will he appear?

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That sounds fine-ish to me. But what's this sport called, and is he still one-armed?

Right now it's just called Mag-boarding, but a more Bionicle sounding name is in order. Suggestions welcome. He'll be quite a main character, I've decided. He's somewhat of a sports star.

Yes, he still has one arm.

I just got two questions.


Can you tell me how my character (Daz) will be integrated into the story? (Assuming you've got ideas for him already)


Also if you've thought of it, when will he appear?

I haven't decided yet how main you'll be. I still haven't decided about most people. I'll just let the story evolve as it does.


For all you people asking when you'll be introduced, this is the order in which the villages appear. Of course, this is a general rule because the story jumps away from the main character alot, so you may be introduced before the main character reaches your location. Also, you may be introduced early because (like Lluvio) you're on business in a different village.


Takke Koro

Monu Koro

Osoo Koro

Raiwo Koro




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Am I main or extra, and when do I come in?


-Akky ^ ^


Oh, and give me awesome lines! :P

Pretty main, I think. Not sure though. Don't count on it though.


Oh, and I've been thinking. Maybe even though your not psycic, maybe you can be very, very perceptive. Would that be good?


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