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Enough Of This



Entry of value.


As you might have known, I've been gone since Thursday. I was able to get some insight into life at the event I attended. Not that strange kind of "woah" advice/insight. It was more like having someone else accumulate and repeat the thoughts I've been thinking in the last few weeks/months. As such, I've had some new thoughts to think, since I finally realize those fully.


Now, I realize (though you may not), that I reach this conclusion at the end of almost all of my longer car trips (I wish I could have ridden a bus, but not here in the middle of nowhere). I've been thinking about what BZP is doing for me right now in my life. This is the point in life, not only to prepare for the future, but to really reach out and live: meet new friends, and do fun stuff. After you stop growing (circa 20 a [years]), you start dying.


The point of anything, any activity, at this point in time, then is either: to learn and grow as a person, or to have fun. BZP has, in the past, really helped me to grow. I have made a large venture of responsibility here, and I appreciate how the administration has played a part in that. But there is only so much you can gain from one experience.


The other purpose then, is living. I feel that right now, BZP is the opposite of how I want to be living. I need to explore the social world and reach out. BZP almost feels like an anchor holding me at this point and keeping me facing the same way. The community can be really awesome, (though with my inactivity, I wouldn't know of the current state). It just doesn't seem to fit.


It might just be because I have some catching up to do. :lol:


P.S. The title refers to the types of entries I've been making lately.


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What took you so long to realize that?


Back in my very active social life, I was happy both in BZP and out.


...Then I moved...


Hello BZP popularity!



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I wouldn't say it "took me so long" to realize that, but rather, it took me this long to use the right words for such an entry. I'll quote the entry:


...I reach this conclusion at the end of almost all of my longer car trips
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Social life (and life in general) is more important to have and to work on than BZP. Go ahead and take a break. I definately would, but my life is already in check. :P



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I've realized I've gone crazy over BZP lately. Like staying up until 1 AM because I'm on the board.

I should get back to life and my friends I can actually see every day.


So go ahead and take a break if you want. Sounds like you need it.

Or whatever you feel is right.




PS, in case you didn't catch the memo:


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