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Weekly Update - 2/22

Black Six



Alas, ToyFair has come and gone, and we have to wait until next year for similar excitement. Our coverage isn't quite done yet, you can expect one more article about the new sets that weren't on display at the Collector's Party. But now it's back to the grindstone.



First off, I'd like to thank Andrew M for coming up to NYC and attending Toy Fair with me. I'm glad he was able to come and hopefully in the future he'll be able to join me again. I'm not going into discussion of the sets anymore here; I think that's something I've covered extensively elsewhere.


Next, I want to thank Toaraga for the honor of being the very last Blog of thee Week. Yes, it is indeed the very last one. That doesn't mean this will be the last you hear from the Blog Team though, so don't fret. We're just looking at some new and different ways to promote blogs and to thank Premier Members for supporting our site.


Now that things like the above are over, I'm hoping to have some more time to look at some other things on BZP. This may be short-lived, however, as the next RPG contest is coming up. We may be making some changes to that, but you'll have to wait until March to find out. :P As far as those other things, we may have some more changes in the staff, or maybe we won't.


Not much else to say, so I suggest you just go ogle the new sets for now and let us get some work done.



Are you part of any other bionicle fansites?


Which bionicle would you be?


Which of the '08 sets is your favorite?


Would you recommend this product to a freind?


Would you like a frequent flyer's pass?


Who would win: Vican or Kirop?


Isn't it awesome that I've got a split personality?

1. You mean there are sites other than BZPower? Nope.

2. Kapura seemed to have it pretty sweet.

3. I think either the Jetrax T6 or the Axalara T9.

4. Sure.

5. What's the catch?

6. Kirop in the sixth round with a knockout.

7. If you say so. :P


1-is it true that you cloned your self 28 times so that you can watch over ever part of the froum?

2-why did smerg steal one of your nukes?

3-why did you play halo three 12 hours with no breaks?

4-do you like mass effect?

5-do you ever wish that you weren't the 2nd in cammand of bzpower?

6-why are you so mean to smerg?

7-it is also true that you cried out like a gril when you were chased by that t-rex?

8-is this anuff?

9-if not, what movie that you saw in your enter life did you like best?

1- I wish it was.

2- I'm guessing it has something to do with his plans to take over Minnesota, but I can't be sure.

3- So I could beat the game and see how it ended before someone spoiled it for me. And I did take a couple short breaks.

4- I love it. I haven't played it recently, but I'm working on my third playthrough. I can't wait for the DLC for it.

5- Yes. Things were so much simpler before.

6- I just play a mean person on BZP. In reality we're good friends.

7- No, that was the other Andrew.

8- Never.

9- Such a hard question. I think I'll go with The Matrix if I had to pick just one.


Hello, Six. Some Mailbag questions.


1) Why did you select the name Black Six as your Alias on BZP?


2) If your Adventure in NYC gets made into a full length motion picture, which film company (You know, Paramount, Fox, Universal, etc.) would you want to make it?


3) What was the first topic you closed?


4) What type of topic was it?


Thank you! :)

1) I had been using the name for years before coming to BZP. The name's origins are shrouded in mystery.

2) Fox.

3) This topic may have been it.

4) It was a dupe topic.


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



And that's it for tonight. As always, please send or post your questions or comments. Also, if you have a topic or something you would like me to discuss, just ask, I'm more than willing to take something and run with it. Goodnight all!


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I'd send you questions in the Mailbag, but I'm afraid of losing proto if I pressure you too much with hard questions...



I don't think the thought of negging someone for asking me a question has ever crossed my mind. The only exceptions would be if it was extremely inappropriate and contained content unsuitable for BZPower.

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1. :facepalm:

2. Intisting...

3. AXALARA! I'm glad I'm not his only groupie. :P

4. Good. *goes off to spam Smeag's inbox with questions*

5. The catch is the lack of one!

6. Really? I thought it would be the fourh...

7. YAY!


OK, I'll give you this week off from m questions. Thanks!

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I do cry out like a grill often. It's a weakness of mine.
Are you a lean, mean modding machine? :P




©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM

That is the coolest thing I've seen in eons. :o

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ah, late commenting.

1-so you mean you didn't? :P

2-so, Minnesota....

3-you liked it? sure hope those breaks were lunch breaks.....

4-i liked it to.

5-you enjoyed your three days of non-staffieness?

6-"if you treat one nice if life, do so in the internet"

7-oh, so that crie wasn't you i heard.....

9-how odd, i liked it to.


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