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An Adventure In New York City

Black Six


So, yesterday was the Lego Collector's Party for Toy Fair in New York City. Being that I live nearby I headed over into Manhattan to attend, accompanied eventually by that other Andrew, Smeagol4, and later, by LehvakLah. It was a fun and dangerous trip, one that shall be made into songs and epics, and perhaps even a full-length motion picture.


It begins... at the beginning...


(Note: I apologize for the darkness of some of the pictures. Some of the settings on my camera got messed up and I didn't realize it at first. But hey, better with these photos than inside Toy Fair, right?)


I started out by taking the PATH train to 34th Street and Broadway, which I was able to follow all the way to my first destination up on 50th Street. I'm a fast walker so it didn't take much time, I was only slowed down by the need to document my travails. There are always many interesting things to see in NYC, from famous landmarks to street performers to public disturbances to hobos, but I tended on focusing on the former on this occasion.



This store is named after the famous parade that takes place on Thanksgiving.


Talk to someone from NYC and ask them about Starbucks, and they'll tell you there are a lot of them. To you that may mean three or four, but in truth it's a whole lot more.



Could it be?


What are the chances I would come across another one? After all I was only walking a few blocks.



Pretty darn good...


Since there's been a lot of discussion about economies and the values of money and the prices of goods with the WalMart story recently, this seemed like an apt picture to take.



Trivia Fact: Andrew's Dad has appeared on that screen.


The NASDAQ sign marks the beginning of the Times Square area, which is neither a square nor does it have a time piece readily visible. There are many places to have food there, from the hardcore...



An omen of things to come.


...To the pop-culturey...



That's no planet, it's a restaurant!


...To the artery-clogging.



The brightest McDonalds you'll ever seen, and those lights run 24/7.


If eating's not your thing, there are plenty of other places to go. Like this little toy store, for instance.



By 'little' I mean it only has a ferris wheel, not a roller coaster.


Oh, and could it be..?



What a surprise!


There's no way there could be another, right? Right, but close...



Ziggy played guitar...


Finally, after rendezvousing with Smeag, we headed back downtown towards where Lego was having the event.



The lovely (yet blurry) Westin Hotel.


At this point Toy Fair happened. You can see all of our pics from that over the next couple of days on the front page. It was a good time and as always we appreciate The Lego Company's hospitality and thank them for inviting us.


After the Collector's Party, we headed back towards Times Square (only a block away) and got on line for the incredibly crowded Hard Rock Cafe, since you know, someone is a huge Rock N' Roll fan. An hour and a half later, and after much oohing and ahhing (and bowing in the majesty of The Beatles) we were finally seated, with LehvakLah in tow. Thank you so much St. Edmunds and your party of 47 people for making the wait take forever...


Dinner was quite tasty, and afterwards we went wandering about Times Square, since this was Smeag's first time in NYC. Of course we had to go to Toys 'R' Us and look at the Lego and laugh at the Mega Bloks. Unfortunately our visit was cut short by the store closing. Party poopers.


It's just as well though, because soon we were in for the run of our lives. Almost as soon as we left TRU, we were attacked!



If you don't move, he still sees you, so you had better run.


It was a mad dash for our lives. Things got even more dangerous when a brawl broke out in the streets in front of us. You wouldn't believe it unless you saw it, so I took a picture.



Shark vs Pegasus


Fortunately these beasts turned out to be a more attractive meal to the T-Rex, allowing us to escape for the time being. Soon after Smeag jumped into a passing cab and LehvakLah into the subway, leaving me to fend for myself back to the PATH station.



As I rushed for the train, fearing for my life, I accidentally took a picture.


Once I was back on the other side of the Hudson River, I finally felt safe. There was no way that thing was fitting into the Holland or Lincoln Tunnels, and I sure hope it can't swim...


Back in the comfort of New Jersey, I was able to spot the T-Rex as it scaled a famous landmark.



If you squint and tilt your head, you can just make out its silhouette.


And that is the end of our tale. I hope you enjoyed it and I hope you enjoy all the rest of our Toy Fair coverage.


Until next time...


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...well, in Christmas 06...


Hey B6, when do you think I can join the BZP NYC Group? I'v always wanted to meet you and nail you with my Boston accent.



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Did'ya happen to catch a glimpse of the Cloverfield beasty? :P

I've been to NYC a couple of times. Awesome place, and there are Starbucks everywhere.

That battle between the Pegasus and Shark was so amazing and epic. I wouldn't have believed it unless you took pictures.


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Ew, Starbucks. :P


But anyway, If they do make your adventures into a movie, Chuck Norris should play Omi. (If he was there. :P)


And I applaud your laughing at the Megablocks. :P




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What about our tomfoolery at the M&M store? If it weren't for that store I never would have realized how much my life was missing without an M&M beer stein.

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What about our tomfoolery at the M&M store? If it weren't for that store I never would have realized how much my life was missing without an M&M beer stein.

I told you not to eat those mushrooms at Hard Rock, see what happened? You imagined a whole part of the story that didn't happen. My word is truth. ;)

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What about our tomfoolery at the M&M store? If it weren't for that store I never would have realized how much my life was missing without an M&M beer stein.

I told you not to eat those mushrooms at Hard Rock, see what happened? You imagined a whole part of the story that didn't happen. My word is truth. ;)

But...but I remember it too! Did I just lose too many brain cells when I was headbanging to Queen at the table? Or was it 'cause of that terrible accident I had when riding Billy Joel's awesome green motorcycle?

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Before I saw this, I thought that New York was just a city with a lot of buildings... Is it normal for everything there to be so...epicly huge? The only really big cities I've ever been to are Atlanta and Orlando. Even so, I never actually went to the sky-scraper-ey parts of either. That, and I hardly even see that many Starbucks around where I live either(There wasn't even one in my town until a couple years ago, despite the term "plentiful as Starbucks"), so really; I'm sort of curious, and must question. Are there monorails? Are there those spider-robot thingies people use in place of forklifts? Are there giant Lego people statues? Are there giant holographic projectors for stuff? Are there NO TRAINS CONSTANTLY INTERRUPTING TRAFFIC? Are there robots doing the work of humans? Are there giant Lego blocks? Are there factories that you can walk into and watch the machines in them while they work? Are there teleporters? Are there lazers? Are there- SPEAK UP I KNOW YOU NORTHERNERS HAVE SCIFI STUFF!ONE1


Please excuse me if I'm being too hyper. I get pointlessly excited at times.



Oh, and watch out for the Starbucks; they're out to get you. =P






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*so wishes he could have been there* Because that M&M store sounds fascinating. :P


And 'cause you got to go to Toyfair and all that. That just might have something to do with it.

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Are there monorails?


There are these things called subways that go under ground therefore not interrupting any traffic ever.

As for all that other stuff, it's more or less true, if you have an overactive imagination or have ever been dropped on your head. ;)

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I've been to the great New York City... In video games :P . You planning to go to Brooklyn, The Bronx, or Little Italy?


Huh, NASDAQ... Wasn't Master Chief and Bill Gates in front of that building before Halo 3 came out?



Starbucks! Those places pop up every where.

*House turns into a Starbucks*

See what I mean?



That T-Rex encounter part is so true. If you stand still, It makes you an easier dinner, or breakfeast, or lunch.

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Lemme just say Little Brazil ain't no Brazil. That ticks me off...


Hey B, next year, I'll drive there and wave a poster saying Black Six.


You'll know who it is. ;)


God forbid I'd mug you for proto. XD



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I want to be there next year so badly!


I wonder if I can go with you guys, because I also live in New Jersey. Close to the Garden State Plaza

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Are there monorails?


There are these things called subways that go under ground therefore not interrupting any traffic ever.


Only in some parts of the city they go over traffic, like in Brooklyn and the Bronx. Which you would know if you were a street-smart city-goer, such as myself. Harumph.


Shark shoulda won


They reached a stalemate and broke for tea, candy and trading Pokemon cards.

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Are there monorails?


There are these things called subways that go under ground therefore not interrupting any traffic ever.


Only in some parts of the city they go over traffic, like in Brooklyn and the Bronx. Which you would know if you were a street-smart city-goer, such as myself. Harumph.

Everyone knows Manhattan is the only part that matters.


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I used to live there. It was nice; until my dad got a job up here in Michigan. I'm suprised there's actually a such thing as grass. :P



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You know, I was in NYC, (visiting my uncle) in that very TRU, when Bionicle was launched.

I can still savor the moments by looking at that picture of me with a life-size Lego statue of Tahu...

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