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List Of Dislike



As promised yesterday, list of things I happen to dislike(in no particular order):




Mega Blox

Kingdom Hearts


Sonic the Hedgehog


Call of Duty series(though 4 isn't bad)

Final Fantasy(except for the movie)

Valentine's Day

Several anime series the names of which I'm too lazy to dig up

4 of the Mistake-a(take a wild guess)

That guy who always beats me to the rocket launcher on Battle Creek

Piraka/Inika/Mahri torsos

Those horrid nicknames that Lego gave the Piraka



World of Warcraft

Most MMOs

The Bionicle storyline from the end scene of MoL to present

The action figures Bionicle sets have turned into

The very concept of popularity

Exceedingly negative people


And that's all I can think of right now. More things will be added when/if I remember them.





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Why don't you make a list of what you like? It probably wouldn't take long. :P


Let's see...



Portal (Maybe)


LEGO and BIONICLE(Not for long?)


Anything I'm missing? :P

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Running around for hours talking to people and other such stuff is not my idea of fun.


And, yes, my inner child died. But that's because of the Mistake-a pics, not computer games.



That usually only happens during a lull, but I see your point... usually, in KH2, nothing but that happens, but they eventually reach a point.


Ah... so, then what's your reason for not liking Disney?

Mostly just the kiddie animated movie characters.




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Ah... makes sense. I'm usually just really annoyed at the modern Disney animated things... classic Disney's good in my book. The stuff I grew up with... you TOO!!

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Running around for hours talking to people and other such stuff is not my idea of fun.

That's why there's the handy "skip scene" button in KH2. Cept it's full of spamming and little battles at that.


I'm hoping KH3 will strike a nice balance.


And I haven't been paying attention to your rants lately, which 4 Mistika?


Obviously Tahu, and Gali, and Onua... so whas the fourth?

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Mega Blox



Call of Duty series(though 4 isn't bad)

4 of the Mistake-a(take a wild guess)

Piraka/Inika/Mahri torsos


World of Warcraft




"The action figures Bionicle sets have turned into"


There's less action now. Now it's just pose them once you build it, then a minute later take it apart for a MOC. Or at least that's how it is for me.



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Mega Blox



Call of Duty series(though 4 isn't bad)

4 of the Mistake-a(take a wild guess)

Piraka/Inika/Mahri torsos


World of Warcraft




"The action figures Bionicle sets have turned into"


There's less action now. Now it's just pose them once you build it, then a minute later take it apart for a MOC. Or at least that's how it is for me.



Oh, whoops, should've said "figurines".


But then I'd have to make a joke that nobody'd get, and would likely be inappropriate for BZP.




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Except for Runescape, I don't really feel all that strongly about any of the items on that shopping list.


RuneScape sucks because there's too much walking and it steals your life..

No it doesn't. Runescape sucks because it's nothing but clicking. It's supposed to be YOU NEED TO DO QUESTS AND GET YOUR SKILLS UP TO BECOME THE BEST POKEMON MASTER but ends up coming out as JUST CLICK STUFF AND WITHIN SOME TIME SOMETHING MIGHT HAPPEN, LIKE THE FREAKING APOCALYPSE BECAUSE THIS STUPID GAME IS BORING AND TAKES TOO LONG. Everything boils down to clicking. Everything.


The first half of 2004 and the sets of 2004 were good.

The Vahki were good. The Metru were terrible abominations.[/opinion]


I'm incredibly disappointed with the look of the sets in relation to their previous forms (I'm talking about the Nuva here), but if those exact same sets weren't the Toa Nuva, and were some other brand new heroes, I don't think I'd have as much of a problem with them.

Even if the 2002 Nuva were completely terrible (doesn't matter if they were new forms of the Olda or new characters entierly) and it just happens to be eaiser to scrape out your own eyeballs with a washing basket then look at them?[/opinion2]


Noneoftheless, if you appreciated the sets because they look good, then not buying them because of the names they've been assigned kinda seems, well, odd. You could just buy the sets and pretend they're different characters. It's not like if you don't, you'd horribly dissolve into a pile of goo. That's also the beauty of the storyline, don't like it, make your own up. *points to the Library*


It's like if I decided to call air 'HORRIBLE MUTANT POISONIUM". It's still the same thing, so would you stop breathing because of the off-putting name, even if you know it's the same thing? Or maybe you have a name change to 'Jim'. You're still the same guy, look the same and act the same, just a different name. Similar thing here, the sets still look the same, no matter what name they go by.


Edit: Despite the fact I view this blog a lot, this is the first time I've commented here. Go figure.


Edity: I think the lack of resemblence is due to the complaints about the 2002 Nuva. Most of the complants about them were about the fact that they were too similar to their Olda counterparts since they were essentially the same but with fancy new equipment. Considering that, the set designers took these complaints in hand and decided to do the exact opposite to what they did when designing the 2008 Nuva. You just can't please everyone.

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I don't hate any of that stuff (cept KH because people think it is awesome and tough, but how can it be tough with Disney Characters and keys for blades?) I do dislike some, but for the most part I don't care. I just go with the flow. If others like something I don't care. If they shove it in my face, I shove them and quickly think of a comment that ruins their whole life, but only if they are like "OMgzerz! Kingdum Harts iz the bestz! u cutz peple up wit a keyzblad!!!!!11onetwo5". ;)


I seriously don't understand why people can't just calm down and let the people like what they want. :/



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I agree with a lot of this stuff. Lemme list the ones I don't dislike so much...


Pokemon (the show got boring, but the games are still fun for me)

Final Fantasy (first one is awesome; can't be sure of the others since I haven't played or watched them. Vorpal sword...)

Valentine's Day (still need to post that one pic... as soon as I find a background...)

4 of the Mistake-a (I like Gorast, Tahu, Krika, and Bitil. Not sure about Onua, and I do dislike Gali)

The rocket launcher dude (hey, I don't know him :P)

Piraka/Inika/Mahri torsos (most Toa torsos we've ever had in a story book! Most versatile torso in any BIONICLE sets as well)

Current BIONICLE set designers (they've given me plenty I like recently)

The BIONICLE storyline from the end scene of MoL to present (Mahri Nui was totally awesome. Rest was OK.)

The action figures BIONICLE sets have turned into (I like most of them. Just dislike those like Gali Mistika with nothing special to their name but an apparent misuse of LEGO's new piece budget)

The very concept of popularity (Some people earn popularity, and they can keep it. I just dislike the obsession many have with it)


I think that covers all of them. Aside from some video games and BIONICLE, your dislikes don't differ too much from mine...

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