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A Closer Look At Price Per Piece



Since the revelation that the MSRP of the Mistika would be $12.99...there's been talk back and forth as to just how crazy LEGO may have become. The argument I hear is that the price is justifed by the "ever rising price per piece". Another is that sets have been increasing in piece, thus the need to adjust the price.


So I got to thinking, just what exactly has the average price per piece been for the various Toa? And how does the overall piece count compare from year to year? I found the results to be quite surprising.



I'll make an important note: These prices are not adjusted for inflation. Which means the average price per piece has hovered at a very normal price range (between 16 and 20 cents per). Taking inflation into account, the price per piece has comparitively decreased comparred to the number of pieces steadily increasing. I'd like to take inflation into account to make the numbers more accurate...but I think the idea that the price per piece has hovered around the same area even BEFORE inflation is interesting.


When the Inika were released at the then staggering $9.99 price point, it was justified with the explanation that they were the first sets to use electronics as part of their gimmick/feature. It's interesting to note the following year was the Mahri. A significant increase in pieces (averaging 13 more pieces per set) at the same price. The Phantoka dropped the piece count, but maintained a fairly close price per piece.


So with that information, let's take a look at some "projections" I've laid out regarding the proposed $12.99 Mistika price point. These piece counts are purely speculation, used for the purpose of analysis and estimation.



In order to check in at even the highest price per piece we've ever seen...the Toa Mistika would have to weigh in at a record 65 pieces per set. Keep in mind that it's an average as well. As you can see from the previous years of Toa, there's always a variance between sets (LEGO appears to favor Toa of Stone...could it be they're beefing it up to make up for the color?).


The other columns show what it would take for the Mistika to check in at the price per piece from earlier in 08 (a colossal 75 pieces per), and what it would take to match the lowest price on record (80 pieces? Seriously?)


In summation, do I think LEGO can hit the 65 piece per set mark? It's possible. I need to take some closer looks at the Mistika, and I think for "only" having 58 the Phantoka turned out that well. All in all, it's still going to be tough to justify $13 on a set.




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Interesting thoughts. I was wondering about the price per piece in Bionicle, as a system piece is about $0.10 each. (Roughly) Obviously Bionicle is more.


It seems like the Phantoka are a little overpriced, but the piece count is up there.


Still, $13 for one set is a lot. What more can I say to that?



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I didn't analyze your numbers much, because it seems you may have missed this topic: Price Hike. :) Just in case you didn't have that link previously.


Price per piece, as I'm reading what you're saying, isn't really the factor in question here, so the exact numbers there probably aren't all that relevant. It's the increased price of plastic, and steel for new molds. It would be interesting to see a number breakdown of how many new pieces are in each set, BTW -- but still, pricing isn't that simple.


If it was, the Mahri and Phantoka should have been more expensive, because at the time LEGO was holding the prices despite increased pressures for our sakes. But prices have since skyrocketed, and they need to increase it more than usual to make up for it.


We're lucky it wasn't 13 USD half a year ago. :)

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Mm, this is a nice analysis indeed – and a very good fact to point out, because the price per piece has only fluctuated by about four cents, and it wasn't consistently increasing, either, as you've shown.


The Mistika's piece counts are, I believe, as follows, Onua and Tahu's taken directly from their canisters:

Onua – 62

Tahu – 73

Gali – 59 (I think; I had to count hers myself.)


So they too average to .20 per piece. Gali's up to about .22 on her own, unfortunately. But still, it does provide continued justification for price increase, by comparison to all canister Toa so far...

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