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In Tennessee...wait What?

Lady Kopaka


Yeah, last minute plans. Dad was going to Nashville for some meetings, checking up on some job offers, and needed me to help him drive up, so he could work on the laptop and such. So I drove up most of the way, then we spent the night at my grandparents, and I'm staying with them while my dad continues up to his meeting.


So it's been nice...Considering how much we come up to Tennessee, its just going down the street for me, no biggy. Cept it takes 8 hours, lol. It was nice for me to spend time with my dad, it was just him and me on the trip; and now just me and my grandparents. It's nice.


Also, the best part:


It snowed.


And I very happy.


I've been praying for myself to see snow this year, and I did. It's so beautiful. it didn't snow hard enough to pile up on the ground and for me to play with, but I think its a perfect. I was outside earlier taking some pictures of it and the snow got all in my hair. It felt wonderful...This is the first time I've seen it snow this much in years. Or any snow at all. I've spent half the morning just looking outside in my grandparents kitchen, watching the snow and birds play around.


Well, been lazy enough, I better go work on some school work I brought. Namaste. ^^


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Waaaiiit, you drove the car? :huh:


Why don't we switch, you live up here where it snows all the time, and I live down south. J/K :P


~Doctor! Doctor!

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Snow? In Tennessee? Madness.

Madness... ? THIS-- *contains himself*


It's great to hear you're having a good time, LK. I wish it snowed in here too.

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It snowed here too! We must have been witnessing the same snow... weather.


Ooooh, Nashville, nice. Question, have you ever seen a big mall with an i-Max theater at one end, and a-one a those 'Rain Forest Cafe" things at the other end? I went there... uh, three times.


...Or have you at least seen that building that looks like Batman?

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Snow? In Tennessee? Madness.



Anyways, I would've loved to give you all of the snow from here last Friday, 'cuz I'm not a huge fan of it, and then we can both be happy!


But I couldn't pick it all up.

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Snow? In Tennessee? Madness.

Madness? THIS IS- You have a point...


I used to live in Memphis, and I hated winter. No snow. EVAH. So, I'm happy I'm in MD now.

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I think I'll echo the "What the devil? You like snow?" sentiment. I hate snow. I hate cold. A lot. A lot.


Though we haven't been getting snow (well, any more snow than usual, by which I mean about a foot of snow on the ground at all times unless it has melted because it enjoys being randomly warm just to mock you) so much as ice. A blanket of about an inch of solid ice over every single road.

City ran out of salt, oh, a week ago, and it'll be about a week before they get in a new shipment. Fun fun fun times. Fun fun fun.


So um, enjoy your, um, snow. While it is a rare and special treat. So rare and special that I doubt that anyone in your entire state has a snow plow or a salt truck anywhere around, making it impossible to get anywhere, ever through any means of transportation.


</bitter> :D

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Okay, guys, read her member name again.


Lady Kopaka.


I think she might be fond of snow just a bit.



XD Hilarious, yet I didn't think of it and it's staring me in the face. Which makes it funnier. XD


Neeeeeeed... Snooooooow... I've lived down south all my life, the rare few times I've seen snow it was just so surreal...


Glad you're having fun, LK. You deserve it with the... heck... you've been through recently. I wish I could've come with you, I need to get away from this mess going on over here for a while, and practice driving, too. And snooooooooooooo*a few minutes pass; turns blue and passes out*


And why does everyone who lives in the south love snow, but everyone who gets it all the time hates it? I'm totally moving somewhere snowy eventually... Alaska sounds nice...

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I've spent half the morning just looking outside in my grandparents kitchen, watching the snow and birds play around.
So what's it like to see snow play around? :P


And why does everyone who lives in the south love snow, but everyone who gets it all the time hates it?
Many people are generally not content with their surroundings and take such things for granted. "You never know what you've got until it's gone."


©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM

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"You never know what you've got until it's gone."


©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM

Don't I know it... Things such as the ability to walk. SO glad I have that back now...

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Glad to see you're happy, LK. Managed to surprise me a bit with the entry title, but I am glad because you're usually happy when you take trips to Tennessee (or anywhere besides home).


You drove! That must make you feel pretty responsible, driving your family to an out-of-state destination! I suppose your driving skills must be pretty good for you to have earned so much of your family's confidence. Even with the frequency of your family's trips there I can't picture myself driving my family to Scranton or New Bern. Then again, I can't picture myself driving. :P


Furthermore, snow! I haven't seen more than one decent snowfall here this year, sadly, but you being further south makes this even more of a blessing! The sky would appear to be your friend. :) And when you can just sit inside and cherish the snow's beauty, all the better.


Love you, LK. Always happy to hear that you're enjoying yourself.


EDIT: Are there a lot of birds? Around my neighborhood we've been getting these HUUUUUGE flocks of robins that can blanket a whole yard, and sometimes more than one and the street between! :o

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Ah, you're so lucky. It's 70-90 Degrees here in florida right now.


BTW, When I went on my recent trip to NJ, that was the first time I have ever experienced snow in my life...:P


(No, I'm serious)...


- DT

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people are generally not content with their surroundings and take such things for granted. "You never know what you've got until it's gone."


©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM[/color]

Oh, now I feel guilt. :crying:


:P Yeah, I'm overreacting, but I understand your point. :)


~Doctor! Doctor!

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The snow that you're talking about has just about melted. =/

So sorry to hear about that, you two. In the very least it will be a memorable experience for Lady Kopaka, who rarely sees snow and thus can cherish this memory until she should be blessed with a similar experience in the future.

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Lucky. Theres so much I want to see in Tennessee...



Wait, Nashville? That's the city the Gibson guitar factory's in! Alright Lady K, this time you have no excuse to not have pics of it when I ask. :P

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Actually guys, I was not in Nashville. I stayed with my grandparents where they live, a few hours away from there, while my dad went on to his meeting.


So what's it like to see snow play around?


That was the best part of all. Not the lack of "am", but the fact that you were happy.

Wow I suck so bad at grammar...sorry. =/

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Lol, anyone could have forgotten a small and dimunitive word like 'am' in a post when they are exhausted. :P Besides, don't feel bad; I have seen others older than us combined and have lived in the USA all their lives who have worse grammar than an elligal alien from Mexico. :P



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