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Weekly Update - 2/29

Black Six



This week seems to be another Mailbag Extravaganza, so there probably won't be a whole lot else here. I'll see what I can do though.



So first off, I'd like to once again congratulate Nikira, Taka-Tahu-Nuva, and Takuta-Nui as our newest Forum Assistants. It's always how funny how nervous they are at first but how quickly they settle into their new roles. What can I say, I pick them good. :P


That's pretty much all I have to say this week, things have been very slow and life has been very busy. I'll let you enjoy another huge batch of mailbag questions now.



Hey B6, can we expect an 07 or 08 rank anytime soon? :)

We know the ranks are out of date. It's one of the many things on our list to update. As far as plans, I'm afraid I can't say anything officially. :P


1. In the Axalera set, are the wing tips activated by a lever, gear, etc. or does each have to be done manually?


2. If you are the last Blog of The Week, will your blog stay pinned forever?


3. Same as 1, but with the Midak slots.


4. Have you heard of krack-a-toa's upcoming podcast, Live from BZ-Koro? I was wondering if BZP could make it it's official podcast, because it is about BZP and Bionicle. More info when the show really begins.


5. Who would win, a Tarakava or Rockoh T3?


6. Ultimate dume or Axalera? Kardas or Axalera?


7. What is your best advice? (It can be in any topic, i.e. life, BZP, jobs, real estate)

1. There was no activation lever I could see, but the tips are all linked so that if you move one the other two move as well. The same goes for the Midak bays on the T9 and the wings on the T6.

2. I'm sure there will be something to replace it eventually...

3. Already answered.

4. I do think I've read about it somewhere. I'd have to know more about it before I even considered endorsing it in any way.

5. Well, the Rockoh can fly and attack from a distance, so I'd say it has the advantage.

6. Hard call. My guesses would be Dume for the first and Axelara for the second.

7. Never spit into the wind.


1. What advice do you have for a future physics major?

2. Do you speak any other languages, besides geek (and English)? :P

3. Are you musically inclined? Do you play an instrument?

4. Metric or imperial units?

1. Switch to a major that you can do something with like engineering.

2. Hablo un poco español.

3. Does Guitar Hero count? Didn't think so...

4. Depends on the situation. I'm still accustomed to Imperial for most everyday things, but for anything scientific it's metric.


1. Hola, Black Six, hablas Spanglish?


2. Thats cool. Hey, how much cash do you have (including collge, in your wallet, the bank)?


3. I know, I counted it already. Anyways...


4. You could could have a super-human power aside from making copies of yourself, what would it be?


5. Have you ever considered working at a Museum?


6. Do you remember the first movie you saw in threatres?


7. I'm planning to go to Barnes and Nobles eventually, but I hoping t get an idea of what book to look for. Know any Coming-of-Age fiction, Teen novels, or anything like that?

1. No, solamente hablo ingles.

2. Enough.

3. That's not a question.

4. Flight or regeneration.

5. Nope.

6. Nope.

7. When I was little, I read children's books. Then I jumper right to adult fiction pretty much, so nope.


1: if some one were to hack in to bzpowers sever, unban Hapori Dume, block all of the staff but you, and take your rank down to a normal member, what would you do?

2: what bionicle movie was the best?

3: why is your name black six?

4: what is a amid statis? does it mean you have the master conture?

5: what would you do if at next years toy fair i showed up?(and i just mite)

6: this anuff?

7: what was your favite year of bionicle?

8: what do you think of the growing amount of members that are not reading the sig rules and putting huge images in there sig, or many 250-100 images?

9: whats your favite bionicle of this year setwise?

10: whats your favite bionicle of this year storywise?

11: what xbox game are you playing right now?

12: whats your xboxlive game tag?

13: how many "just asking" topics have you made? i mean like: "a theory on the mask of life" or "how many posts do you have for real?"

14: have you ever made a sprite comic? that was funny?

15: last one, witch matix movie did you like the best?

1: Log directly into the server and restore everything.

2: The first.

3: Long story.

4: I'm not sure what you're referring too.

5: Well, you wouldn't know where or when to show up, and if you did they wouldn't let you in, since you're not on the list.

6: Enough of what?

7: 2001.

8: We'll get to them.

9: I might go with Krika.

10: Takanuva.

11: Right now I'm answering questions. The last game that was in my Xbox was Guitar Hero 3.

12: Black 5ix

13: Zero.

14: No.

15: The original. I never even bothered getting the others on DVD.


When did Nikira become FA, and was it announced?


Have you ever played Halo 1 or 2?


Whats "Black Six" mean anyway?

A) When this topic was posted.

B) The first game I got for Xbox was Halo: Combat Evolved, after playing it for hours and hours with my friends.

C) What's in a name?


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



That's it for tonight. Please send/post any questions, comments, or suggestions you have. I look forward to reading them.


Recommended Comments

1-i see


4-what you are now.

5-and what if i'm on the list? you never know.

8-well, you had better hurry, cause i hate waiting two minets just to look at some thing.

11-no mass effect? darn.

13-hmm, so staff can't do those type of things? i've lost all want to become one. then again, bones does.

14-well, spirit does....

15-i liked the dvds better. much better sound.

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