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As pertaining to the previous entry...


I decided to go. Refusing to go simply because of 'M's boyfriend would not have been a very nice thing to do, I think, and it would only have upset all my other friends who were going. So, I arrived on time, and met this boyfriend, Dan, who seemed perfectly normal. Which is odd, because 'M' is, like me, totally bizarre. One of my girl friends said she'd choose me over Dan any day, and that she didn't think it would last between him and 'M', but I don't really know what to think.


Anyway, 'M' told me that I'd probably like another guy who was going, called Jake. Sure enough, we met, and he seemed perfect, exactly my type. So I spent most of the evening talking to him, and trying to decide whether I should ask him out, when 'M' mentioned that Jake isn't gay.




Another wasted evening.




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Just to say, I still really respect your advice. I just wanted to go because it wouldn't have been fair on my other friends. So, you were right, I didn't enjoy it - but for different reasons.



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Better a wasted evening than a wasted however-many-months it has been that you have been in love with "M." Things did not turn out for the best, and they rarely do; nevertheless, you were right to go.


Perhaps someone will come along in time; perhaps "M" will change his mind; perhaps things may turn up again without a long wait. Whatever the case, you have shown "M" that you still respect him, and thus even if you never get back together you will be able to remain friends. Maybe more importantly, you have shown yourself that even without his love you are able to respect him, and thus that your respect for him was selfless and not at all wasted.


I hope things turn up soon. Try to keep your chin up whatever happens. :)

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If possible, I'd offer one of those manhugs I always see on those sitcoms.

Mmm, manhugs are what makes the sitcom world go 'round.


Ditto'd on the Mak post. My sympathies. :(


Yeah, I know I wouldn't have gone, because I totally had a similar situation presented that night that I bailed on. I had plans to hang out with one of my best friends (girl), and we were going to chill, and then she invited her boyfriend over too. Which normally I'm okay with, I really am. But when it's the one time during the week she had made time for me, and she had seen him already, oh, every day.... It's just not so bueno. So, being as in touch with my self as I am, I knew I wouldn't have fun if I went, which, in turn, would mean no one else would have fun, and I'm not about that. Even if I can't have fun, I want everyone else to have fun. So, I bailed. Explained to her why I wasn't coming, and I didn't go.


I know for me, it was the right decision. Hence my advice pushing that direction. I hope that even though you had a 'wasted evening,' there was some good that came of it somewhere.



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I hope that even though you had a 'wasted evening,' there was some good that came of it somewhere.



Oh yes. I found out that several of my girl friends fancy me, but they're not likely to get anywhere with me. :P


Isn't love ironic.



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You should talk to my gay friend Tom. You two probably would understand each other very well.



Perhaps I should.



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Well, hopefully your life's not TOO complicated right now. And it's not wasted. At least you didn't stay at home, wondering and fretting over something you could've been there for. There are other fish in the sea, buddy.

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If only my bi-sexual friend Seth could talk here...


I've tried many a time to get him to join, but he just doesn't want to.


Sorry, Seran.

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My friend Paul had almost the same thing happen to him with him and his boyfriend.


He just waited a bit and after awhile nothing happened, but then a couple weeks later his former boyfriend told him about another guy. It turned out that the guy he told him about already had a boyfriend and had been going out with him for awhile. Then another week went by and he thought about going to be straight once again, but something told him not to and he ended up meeting a new guy at his school and now they've been going out for awhile.


So my best advice is to wait for someone new to come by.


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Isn't love ironic.

And danged frustrating.


Well Seran, my sympathies.

Though I can't really relate that well, I cna imagine that it must have been akward.

Well, better luck next time I guess.

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