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Tired, But Alive

Lady Kopaka


5 hours of driving really does tire someone out DX. I’m back home guys.


Dad promised me though, that he would buy me some pens for helping out. And he got me a big pizza too on the way home.


But after eating a slice, we got home and my siblings ate all the pizza. And I was stuck with the tiny piece that they ate all the toppings off of. Oh well…


So anyhow, I’m gunna go sleep. _-_ zZ


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I usually arrange the words "Belongs to -Blank-" out of the toppings, just so no one will touch it.

Bah, you think siblings care? I used to spit on mine and my brothers would STILL eat it. I hate siblings... Well, not hate them, but hate living with them.

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Drat! I read the entry and asked for pics too late... :P Glad to hear your home. As for the pizza, I only like cheese, so I can't really relate on that.

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At least you're home.


I'm going today, thankfully.


AND I HAVE A NEW BIKE! Photos to you to follow, LK ^_^;; -Swert

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*ahem* Anyway, glad to hear that you and your dad are getting along well, at least for now. The more proof you have that he loves you when you're having serious doubts, the better.


Even once you've got some new pens, work at your own pace. I'm probably the living example of hasty inking and its repercussions. Still, when you've got some of that art finished I can't wait to see it! :)


EDIT: Sorry to hear about the pizza. Never had much of an experience like that, since I don't like toppings, thus my little brother usually ends up with a pizza of his own to share with Dad or Mom.

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Wait...pens? I thought you had a tablet now?

Yeah going to try to get some micron pens sometime when my dad has time. What does that have to do with a tablet?

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Oh, well yeah. But I'm a traditional lover of the pen. I feel much more comfortble with it. True I gotta buy new ones every few months, but I think pen inking looks better, and not to mention it shows off how hard an artist works, cause it takes practice to get the hang of inking. =/


But that hasen't stopped me from learning with the tablet, it's gunna take some practice too, but I'll get the hang of it. Tablet inking is just a bit to perfect for me when it comes to doing comics or lineart...don't ask me why. XD

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You make a point. Very well. However I'll stick with a tablet since my scanners broke. :P Sadly so is my tablet... >< But a tablet it both less expensive and less cumbersome, so I'll be getting a replacement tablet first.

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I agree, if you have no scanner...tablet>pens :P


But I admit EW, sometimes the tablet is better...since ink doesn't run out and you don't have to run to the store every 2 or 3 months...sometimes in just a few weeks if you use 'em enough. o-o;

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Ah, true. But's I'll stick to my old fashioned pens for the sake of sheer simplicity and cost. Besides, I am hardly a full-time artist. :P



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@EW: Yes, for drawing without intention of uploading, pens ftw. However I plan to upload mine eventually.


@Lady K: Yup. Only problem is my tablet took a fall down some stairs and is broke too... >< Need a new one...maybe now that I have money to spend after my dad payed for my laptop I can get a new one...

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