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I'm sticking to MoMN. I see no reason for spoiling a perfectly good mystery.

I'm just sticking to Makuta.


And referring to the species as the Brotherhood, Makuta being a title given to the leader.




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I was never a fan of making Makuta a species name in the first place. As a name, it's okay, but not representitive of Makuta.
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I hate it. "Makuta" was just awesome. It was so rutheless. This name would be a good name for any other enemy, but not makuta. We've known him as Makuta for SEVEN YEARS. Why not just name the species what they named him.

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Makuta will forever and always be Makuta. No other name can replace that. One could come up with an alternate name for him (you know, like how gods and goddesses always have multiple names), but it would have to be totally awesome to work.


This is not. It could be fine as some other character, but... meh... doesn't have the gradeur and yet simplicity of 'Makuta'.

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I like this name... no deep reasons this time, I just think it sounds cool. And I guess it fits the MoMN pretty well... Besides, hardly anyone in the story uses it; I can't see a single reason fans have to. :P


"Makuta" never really appealed to me as a name; I'm not sure why. Glad he finally has an actual name, particularly one I feel is good.


Oh, and Nukora, in all honesty I've said it in my head and out loud a few times now and it doesn't make me think Pterodactyl at all. The only thing that makes me think Pterodactyl is your post here and in the topic, and even when I have the word pterodactyl in my head I can't manage to draw affiliation between the names, similar though they may be. Again, I can't give a reason why like I can in set debates; this is a matter of personal opinion alone for me. When ToM brings logic into the equation in a blog entry concerning what names might have been better (which hopefully I can count on him to do), then I can contribute reasons this name would or would not be better.


Speaking of name origins, did anyone ever find out where Takadox comes from? :???: I don't recall ever seeing it, and since the other name origins for the Barraki tended to be rather obvious I can't imagine the Takadox would be much of a stretch from the origin, whatever it is.

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I like it. It kind of sounds like the dark, looming, menacing name he ought to have. However, I didn't quite think so at first, but I realized you just have to say it just right, with the right thoughts running inside your head.

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I like it. It kind of sounds like the dark, looming, menacing name he ought to have. However, I didn't quite think so at first, but I realized you just have to say it just right, with the right thoughts running inside your head.

I believe disgust and pity are the emotions I'm trying to find.


But I can't. So hate.




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I like it. It kind of sounds like the dark, looming, menacing name he ought to have. However, I didn't quite think so at first, but I realized you just have to say it just right, with the right thoughts running inside your head.

I believe disgust and pity are the emotions I'm trying to find.


But I can't. So hate.





Who, me or the name? I would hate to think that you would insult another member for liking a name.

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» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «*cough*Pterodactyl *cough*



I hate the name. It's like, the last year they'll be able to use it and... agh. It's nasty.


*continues to use Makuta*


There IS no signoff!

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Ugh, it's.....horrible


I remember why it's so familiar, I already invented that name

back in 05, I mean they use a name a that a child makes up

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Speaking of name origins, did anyone ever find out where Takadox comes from? :???: I don't recall ever seeing it, and since the other name origins for the Barraki tended to be rather obvious I can't imagine the Takadox would be much of a stretch from the origin, whatever it is.

Takanuva > light > Takadox > glows in the dark.


As for the rest, I suppose it doesn't sound quite as close if you attempt to Latinize the phonetics instead of just using English ones, as most would because it's spelled like an English word...

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
Same sounds are in bold.


Pterodactyl = tehr-o-dak-till

Teridax = tehr-ih-daks


Rather close, if you ask me.

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Speaking of name origins, did anyone ever find out where Takadox comes from? :???: I don't recall ever seeing it, and since the other name origins for the Barraki tended to be rather obvious I can't imagine the Takadox would be much of a stretch from the origin, whatever it is.

Takanuva > light > Takadox > glows in the dark.


As for the rest, I suppose it doesn't sound quite as close if you attempt to Latinize the phonetics instead of just using English ones, as most would because it's spelled like an English word...

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
Same sounds are in bold.


Pterodactyl = tehr-o-dak-till

Teridax = tehr-ih-daks


Rather close, if you ask me.


I won't deny that it's close, and that for some affiliating the two words is easy as donuts. But for me there is no affiliation between the names unless a post explicitly tells me to look for them. No idea why.


Also, your explanation for Takadox's origins would suffice if BIONICLE names worked entirely as they should. Trouble is, BIONICLE language similarities are almost always circumstantial, and since there were English roots for the other Barraki names, I expect there exists one for Takadox from a real-world language.

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A rose with any other name will still smell as sweet. Except if the name was as hideous as that. :/


I haven't been following the storyline lately I will still just be calling him Makuta. Lego's choice to make the brotherhood of Makuta was and have all members be "Makuta" was just fail. If it was called that because he was the leader that would have been fine. I hate all the brotherhoods, orders, etc. they just make it confusing and I don't want to try and figure it out. <_<



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