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A Hero



This is a true story from just this week, about two fellow Wal-Mart associates.


At my Wal-mart one of our door greeters is, really old (in her 70s or 80s), and she was working Sunday. We shall call her G. Well G was supposed to work Tuesday and never showed up, she was a no-call, no-show. One of the Customer Service Managers (CSM) knew something wasn't right. It just isn't like G to do such a thing. So the CSM, whom we will call L, decided to get G's address.


L went over and looked through the windows, and saw that G should be home, so she called the house and heard a moaning sound. She was able to figure out it was coming from the living room. Thus, right away L called 911, and they broke down one of the doors and got into the house.


It turns out that Sunday night G had a stroke and had been there for a few days. Had it not been for L's concern G, would have probably died...


G, is currently in the hospital and should be out next week for some rehab.


This happened this week. And these are the types of things I'd rather see on the news. People being concerned for others, this is the type of stuff I think is important. showing concern like L did is something that in a way makes her a hero. She helped save a life.


Showing concern for others is important. Let us never forget that caring can go a long way.




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Tell L he is a hero, and give my support to G.


And you are right. I'd rather hear about things like this than the latest stabbing, or something equally as greusome.

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1. G means 'gangsta' where I come from.


2. When you mentioned L, I thought of your fellow associates at Wal-Mart as secret agents. (BZP Lovers reference)


3. Kinda gave the ending away in the first paragraph.


4. Give roses to G when she's better, and a hug to L.


And a thumbs up with your best smile.


And a raise.


Big one.


And a party for the both of them.


I ain't kidding.



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Its good to hear stories like these to remind us that there are people out in the world who care about others.


But you should have picked a different letter to describe our hero in this case. :P

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Tell L he is a hero, and give my support to G.


And you are right. I'd rather hear about things like this than the latest stabbing, or something equally as greusome.

I should have said L is a she... but I did tell her she was a hero when I heard the story.


Takes a special person to wear the red vest.



Only thing is... we do't have vests anymore.


1. G means 'gangsta' where I come from.


2. When you mentioned L, I thought of your fellow associates at Wal-Mart as secret agents. (BZP Lovers reference)


3. Kinda gave the ending away in the first paragraph.


4. Give roses to G when she's better, and a hug to L.


And a thumbs up with your best smile.


And a raise.


Big one.


And a party for the both of them.


I ain't kidding.



G and L are their first initials, but yes we are agents. I can't give raises or authorize parties, I can do smiles though.


Its good to hear stories like these to remind us that there are people out in the world who care about others.


But you should have picked a different letter to describe our hero in this case. :P


I couldn't choose a better letter. (See above.)



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