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Under Pressure

Kevin Owens


Life sucks as of this moment.


Finished up my Psych course last Friday and my body completely shut down after that. I've been nothing but exausted and I spent most of my weekend sleeping. Well, not really, but still. I'm still tired right now.


I cleaned up my room yesterday it was perfect. Now, it's trashed.


I shifted through about seven weeks worth of letters from various Colleges trying to get me to join. I know what I want to major in, but I'm overwhelmed by the number of colleges out there.


It didn't help that halfway through I burst into tears for no reason whatsoever.


Also, my dad is going to be out of town for the next few weeks because of his job.


So yeah, life sucks right now.




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I hate the random bursts of tears...


Why so serious...?




(Hope that brushes them shouldas off...)


Lean back...




You know, whenever the Joker dies, he dies laughing maniacally. Of course, that's what you would expect. After all, he's the Joker. He laughs and stuff. For once though, I would love to see the Joker die saying, "That's not funny." That would be awesome.


Just a random splooge of mine. Feel free to ignore.



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And that is why you win the game.


Seriously, someone explain it to me. :P




Oh yeah, by the way.


You just lost the game.


Oh yeah, thanks for the baby.



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So if we just shut up, we don't lose but we don't win either?

No. All I have to do is say "The Game" and you think of the game and thus lose. There's no way not to loose.



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Yeah, now you're getting it.


Just expect to get royally ticked once you go for a few days without losing and some doofus of a friend who might or might not be Exo comes up to you and says, "The Game."


I still haven't forgiven him for that.



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The game is pretty much as old as the internet. Although I would hazard a geuss one of the chans came up with it.


And I'm not too sure who holds the record. We'd have to ask around.



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