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Horton Hears A Who

Wrinkledlion X


I just saw "Horton Hears a Who" tonight and was very surprised. I had expected it to be terrible, but it was actually very well-done and funny. It was very faithful to the book and was very respectful to Dr. Seuss' style. Immensely better than the live action ones from a few years ago.


I had been dreading this for a while but I've now found that it stayed very close to the original book and luckily didn't have to add in a bunch of filler scenes. Unlike that horrid "Cat in the Hat" live-action movie, they picked a story that already had a complex enough plot to make up a full-length movie. (Honestly, why'd they ever try to do "Cat in the Hat?" They might as well have made "One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish: The Movie.")


Anyways, I'd recommend it. It also gave the Grinch and a Truffula Tree brief cameos.


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Say what you will but you cannot put the live-action adapation of The Grinch Who Stole Christmas in the same class as the adaptation of The Cat in the Hat. For one thing, The Grinch was entertaining.


Maybe I will see Horton Hears a Who, but it doesn't look to me like it holds up Seuss's "World in its own" style.

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I still dislike that Grinch movie... It wasn't accurate to the original story at all...


Oh, and Deflateezavazak, it was when they were trying to make all the noise. He was briefly seen blowing a tiny trumpet-kazoo thing.

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