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I'm done with MOCing, and Bionicle.


I seems as if I don't get better at MOCing, and I've grown out of the Bioinicle story.


Everything seems just boring now...


Not to mention the annoying people who think that BZP's system is corrupt.


Don't worry though, I still be around to finish off my WIPs and get those MOC prizes to you. Also, as promised, I will get the winners of the contest into my story.


I'll probably be gone by the end of the Summer though...


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Noooooo!!! Not you too!!!!


I'll miss you... IF I LET YOU LEAVE!!!


But seriously, you're a good MoCist; obviously, everyone can improve, but really, you are good. Why the absolute need for perfection? It's like having a six pack and wanting an eight pack.


At least gimme your email/IM -if- I let you leave.

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Of course you get better. We all get better. It takes patience and time.


No use giving something up just because you see no immediate changes. That's silly.

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Well if you do choose to abandon MoCing, it will be a great loss. I will of course respect your choice, but I certainly do not agree with it. Perhaps you could give us some additional reasons? As far as I can tell your MoCs continue to improve, your BBC 48 is one of your best works to date.


Have you become bored with MoCing? Maybe you just need a break, you have been very active lately and posted alot of MoCs. I hope you make the right choice BD, not for any of us but for yourself.

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I agree, i'm quite bored with the story. So I don't buy the sets anymore, and I only read the books. The books are to small,a dn less detaile dthen they should be. But don't give up on mocing, if you have grown out of the story, make your own!


Are you staying on BZP though? Because COT is one of the best places around.

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Well... ~BD~, if you feel you need to leave it, then do it. ;)
But will you finish your projects you're doing?

And you wont leave BZP, will you?

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Bye, I'm sure you have a better reason then just that, but I still respect your choice and I'll even agree with it. Heck, I'm quitting BZP, giving up Mocing and selling my Bionicles, just because of the story, sets and everything else.


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BD, if you leave MOCing, you'll destroy about 1/3 of all MOCist's inspiration.




Don't leave! I just started a Lewa revamp with yours in mind...NO!

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Honestly, because you aren't the best doesn't mean you should quit... If you really want to though...


But yes, Dark Ages do end, and you will be back, MoCers don't say I will quit and leave forever. They usually just disapear, like the multiple like Schizo, Natha, Gamma, Pekel, T08, Tok, Romangus, TW, etc. ;)


In select forums though. :P



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Sad face.


Well, I guess I better say bye.


Pretty sad that you are doing this though, you have the opportunity to be one of the best, if not already, and you drop it.


~ Nieve

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It's nearing April Fools Day.... this better not be some joke. I won't believe this... until you give a perfect explanation.

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*Is sad*


BZP keeps losing the good members......


SZ, Seran, DV.... True, the last two didn't leave, but they aren't active as much.


I'll miss your MOCs, BD. I've come to admire you MOCing style so much.


I just want you to know that you're easily one of the best MOCists on BZP.


Update your blog once in a while, hmmm?



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SZ, Seran, DV.... True, the last two didn't leave, but they aren't active as much.

I would like to point out that I still spend around two hours a day on BZP. I just don't post very often, as little really piques my interests. But trust me, I'm watching the BBC quite intently... And I do have several MOCs in the works. I just need to bring them out of the works. Haha.



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SZ, Seran, DV.... True, the last two didn't leave, but they aren't active as much.

I would like to point out that I still spend around two hours a day on BZP. I just don't post very often, as little really piques my interests. But trust me, I'm watching the BBC quite intently... And I do have several MOCs in the works. I just need to bring them out of the works. Haha.



I would like to agree wholeheartedly with the above statement.


Oh, and BD...just hover like we do. Post an occasional Blog Entry or MOC...or something.


And don't kid yourself you're not improving. You are, silly.



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It's nearing April Fools Day.... this better not be some joke. I won't believe this... until you give a perfect explanation.


Hmm... Never thought of that...


And if you do leave my Lewa's going to be a tribute to you.

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