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Contest Info



I am sure 99% of you already know all this, but in the wake of the Makuta contest, I thought it would be a good idea to post these LEGO Magazine contest tips again for any newer BZPers.


-- If you are entering a building contest, please submit either a photo or an image printed out on photo paper (which you can find at any Wal-Mart, Target, office supply store, etc.). Photos printed out on regular printer paper won't be accepted, because they will not scan well for reproduction in the magazine. It states very clearly in the rules that entries need to be photos or on photo paper, and a lot of nice entries end up getting tossed every contest because people submit them on plain printer paper.


-- Pay attention to the quality of your photos. If the photo is blurry, we won't be able to make out what the model is. If the photo is a giant shot of you with your model looking very small in your hand, readers won't be able to make out what the model is.


-- If you are entering a contest where it states that the winning entries will be displayed on the web site, you are much better off just sending a picture of the model and not one with you in it. The reason is that we are not allowed to show pictures of kids on our site without first getting parental permission. We will NOT disqualify anyone from any contest for not following this suggestion, but it is one of those things that just makes the process more complicated for everyone involved.


-- If you submit a photo, please do not fold the photo up. We get a lot of that, and again, the photo will then not reproduce correctly in the magazine. If we can't display your winning model in a way that will make it look good in the magazine, then you won't make first cut.


-- If you are entering a drawing contest, it is a good idea not do your drawing on lined paper. While your drawing will still be considered even if you do, it's going to look a lot better when scanned if it is done on plain white paper instead.


-- While we appreciate that you want your entry to arrive safely and securely, sealing the envelope with massive amounts of tape just makes our job harder. Remember that we may have two people opening 10,000 entries in the course of a few weeks. If we have to wrestle with yours to get it open, it slows the whole process down.


-- If we ask in a contest for you to build a model, we want to see your creativity at work. A lot of people who entered the Makuta contest just built Mutran and took a picture of him and sent it in as their entry. We want to see what you can build on your own, not how well you can follow the building instructions in a set.


-- On a side note, thinking outside the box when doing contest entries is always a good thing. In our recent City Police contest, winners included a giant zeppelin and a vehicle with a giant police dog as part of it. Remember that if an idea seems like a no-brainer to you, it probably is also one to the 10,000 other people entering too. If you hand in something a ton of other people have also built, yours is going to have to be that much better to stand out from their entries. There are certainly entries that win because, even though the subject matter is standard, the actual build is really impressive -- but the best entries are the ones where the building is good AND the idea is different.




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Consider this, though -- if you are a BrickMaster, your odds of winning a contest shoot up, because there is a smaller pool of entrants. And since BIONICLE contests are among our most popular, it only makes sense to put a few in BM, since we are trying to make that publication as appealing as possible to paid subscribers, the same way BZP reserves certain things here for premium members to drive subscriptions.


I also wouldn't be so fast to dismiss BMs as bad MOCers -- one 15-year old BZPer is a BM and consistently wins building contests, both in BM and in free. The Landmark Building Contest we held last year in BM produced some of the best MOCs anyone at the office had seen in ages. Yes, there are younger and less experienced builders in BM, but they also exist on BZP and in every other fan forum out there.


BioHero - But if they "leave it alone," how do they ever get any better? Is every MOCer an expert from the time they start, day one? Or do they learn and get better through practice? Should a kid not put his entry up on display and feel that sense of pride, just because it doesn't happen to meet your standards? At the end of the day, LEGO building is an art, and that makes LEGO models a matter of taste -- what you think is lousy, someone else might like, same as with paintings or sculpture or any other art form. Should we set some sort of standard and then ban all builders who don't meet it from having the thrill of knowing their work is being viewed by their peers?



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...And i expected the worst we heard about to be Antroz with a random mask... but it's Mutran. Setaccurate. Yipes.

Say, when will the winners know if they won?

Antroz with a random mask? Woah. And I thought a Maxilos rip-off with a Rahkshi head was bad.....

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While I, of course am anoyed with the poor DH MOCs that won, I understand what has been said. In general, it is fair.


And on contests only being in BrickMaster mags, I understand I'm perfectly fine with it. Problem is, it is only available in the US. There should be a way for other countries (such as the UK? :D) to get involved.

I didn't even know about the DH contest while it was on, or Makuta Building Contest.


And seeing as it's been over a week Greg, i'l assume you didn't recieve my PM. I'll type it up again.

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But if they "leave it alone," how do they ever get any better? Is every MOCer an expert from the time they start, day one? Or do they learn and get better through practice? Should a kid not put his entry up on display and feel that sense of pride, just because it doesn't happen to meet your standards? At the end of the day, LEGO building is an art, and that makes LEGO models a matter of taste -- what you think is lousy, someone else might like, same as with paintings or sculpture or any other art form. Should we set some sort of standard and then ban all builders who don't meet it from having the thrill of knowing their work is being viewed by their peers?


Yeah. I'm not that good of an MOCer yet, but I would have been even worse if I did not enter the 2 contests that I lost. But now I know a little more about creativity and originality. It used to be where I would combine the instructions for 2 sets and call it done. But now I've improved a little, and if I didn't try, I couldn't have gotten to the fairly normal position that I'm in now. My chances are a little better for the Makuta contest, though I really don't expect to win.


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Thanks for the tips, Greg. I guess I'll have to subscribe to BM someday soon, it seems worth it. I wonder how many more Mutran entries would have been received if the contest was in the free magazine. *shutters*
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All this seems commen sense to me. Still, was the percentage of "set accurate" entries high, or just an irritance? Oh and any plans for the overall head of Brickmaster disrubution to let all those non-American residents in on these bm-exclusive contests, since you are shutting out a lot of creativity this way.

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Why are the Bionicle contests always in Brickmaster? It really bugs me...



Presumably so that people will buy the Brickmaster magazine.

That's silly. Now they have a smaller pool to pull the winners from = the winner probably won't be as good as it could be.




acctually, a smaller amount of competiton means there is more of a chnce, so thik of it like this:

what is the better ratio(estimated):

1:10,000,000(normal mag)

1:10,000(brickmaster mag)



now do you see?




oh, and also less entries=less work for lego :P

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Just checking for clarification:


-Is this contest still open?

-Do you have to live somewhere to enter? (eg. US residents only)

-Do you make a Makuta already existent or can it be fan-made?

-If it is already existent, Can it be one not already made? (e.g. Spiriah)

-Who do I give my entry to?



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With regard to contests being available outside of the US -- that is not my call to make, BrickMaster or no BrickMaster. That is decided by the LEGO Club Managers in those regions, who determine what the content will be in their magazines. BIONICLE content in the EU magazines tend to skew younger than it does in the US, with more focus on activities and such, because the BIONICLE audience is a good deal younger in Europe. Where most BIONICLE fans in the US are 9-11, in Europe they are 6-7 years old.


That said, UK did feature the BIONICLE Insiders section, where some fans got to review sets ahead of time, which is something that's not available in the US. In general, though, the EU magazines tend to feature fewer contests overall because they do not have the same manpower available to judge them.


One further note -- I think it is a little unfair to compare the DH and Rahi contests, only because Rahi is such a broad subject -- whereas most people think of DH as "humanoid" in appearance, which limits a bit what they can build. We saw the same thing in the Makuta contest, where most of the models looked very similar to each other.



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Wow, help! Great! Noticed that you made a couple points about kids in the shot and problems with showing that image, and about creativity. That gives me a question about Cool Creations in the Lego Mag- why are almost all the pictures in it these days of unoriginal models and/or their child makers? Shouldn't that page be for creations that are actually cool? Don't get me wrong, I'm not just whining, if BrickMaster was available internationally and its Cool Creations actually had good models I'd buy it, it just seems a bit against the spirit to simply show a bunch of five-year-olds and their Axonn-with-Kalmah's tentacle on the foot models when there are thousands of good models out of sites like Brickshelf.

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The people who built Mutran probably thought it was to build one of the Makuta currently released, instead of making their own Makuta.

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thank you for the info, even though i won't be using it (No UK brickmaster ¬.¬)


and what was that about european fans being 6-7 years old?

make me feel old, why don't you? :P

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Nice. Does size matter though? As in, if I made a super huge and still custom model, would it be disqualified because it is huge and you can't make out anything?

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Thanks for the advice Greg! Though I must say, I already do that stuff to begin with. ;) It is great that you are doing this for those that don't think of these things though. I do have a question or two.


You said,

one 15-year old BZPer is a BM and consistently wins building contests, both in BM and in free.

What might his name be? You can PM me the answer if you like.


How soon will the winners of the Makuta building contest be notified? If I (hypothetically speaking) have won, when should I get a letter?


Also, am I correct in assuming that you guys don't just look at how good the MoC is, but at how good the story is behind it and the essay?





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Thanks for this Greg.

If you submit a photo, please do not fold the photo up. We get a lot of that, and again, the photo will then not reproduce correctly in the magazine. If we can't display your winning model in a way that will make it look good in the magazine, then you won't make first cut.

Does this mean that if we folded up our entry picture we lost? I had to fold mine up to fit it in the envelope, so that'll be a bit annoying if that's why I lose.

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Thanks for the advice Greg! Though I must say, I already do that stuff to begin with. ;) It is great that you are doing this for those that don't think of these things though. I do have a question or two.


You said,

one 15-year old BZPer is a BM and consistently wins building contests, both in BM and in free.

What might his name be? You can PM me the answer if you like.


How soon will the winners of the Makuta building contest be notified? If I (hypothetically speaking) have won, when should I get a letter?


Also, am I correct in assuming that you guys don't just look at how good the MoC is, but at how good the story is behind it and the essay?






I think its Chocolate Frogs

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