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We all get bored here every once in a while, all i do when my mocs stop working and i get bored is take a 2 week or so break from any bionicle related activity, eventually you will want to moc and BZP so bad that it hurts, so just take a little break... things should be a little more interesting when you get back!


hope you decide to stay, your mocs are really inspiring.

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:o No! :o


You can't leave yet, I haven't gotten your blog approval yet.


[brainwashing]You must stay and be happy on BZP. BZP is happy and fun place.[/brainwashing]



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No! Don't leave! You're one of the best members on BZPower! Plus, your blog is one of the last remaining good blogs... With you gone, BZP will just get worse!

Besides, I haven't even started the MOC of you for my PBZP yet! You can't leave!

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You think BZP is all about the number of post you get in your MOC topic? It's about a community come together from across the world to their computer screens, all sharing one passion: Bionicle, the toyline that isn't just a toyline, but a complex and beautiful fanasy of epic proportions. Look, I've struggled with all my topics to get posts (not just for MOC's: everything) and many a time to no avail. But what am I going to do about it? I'm going to keep trying, keep forging ahead, and NEVER, I repeat, NEVER, stop. If people don't post it doesn't neccesaraly mean they don't like your MOC's; more often than not they're just busy, or tired, or have to do nasty loads of homework (trust me, I've been those people). I don't think you need to take it that harshly. I'm not trying to force you, now, don't get me wrong. But I really think it's overkill to completely isolate yourself of this site because of a lack of posts.



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Bunda if this is a joke, it isn't funny.

It really isn't.


First BD decides he's leaving and now you! Really why are all these people leaving!!


As the science employee said, just take a break for a while (after your contest).

But don't leave permanently just because your MOCs aren't going very well and you're gtting bored at times. Your MOCs are amazing, your Jaka's really and unique, your BBCC entries are some of the best, especially the war slug, Kamitsu's pain, and the ussals.


Don't leave, just take a short break.


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You can actually interpret that as 'I'm done for tonight, it's getting boring. Going to finish off some things and then I'll log off." You do realise that?


If you're getting bored, switch a forum you never visit. When I got bored, I went to the RPG forum and I haven't had a dull night since. There's some great guys in there and since you're writing an epic, you could get some inspiration by joining an RPG. I suggest you just go to forums you otherwise never visit.





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Oh yes, I forgot, as Munki/Setsuna said (you can't really tell who it is)

Look around in the RPG forum, I felt almost the same way as you until I explored the wonderful world of RPGs. Plus as an MOCist, you'll find it really easy describing characters as you can build them instead. It's a lot of help for some RPGs if you can use MOCs. Trust me I know this personally as a fact, almost all my MOCs for the past little while ('cept Karuda) have been for different RPGs.


By the way did I mention we're currently in the voting process of RPG contest #9?


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You're not serious, are you?

That one has it right.

You had better (or better not) be pulling an Omi on us. :P

Omi pulled something?


And to those people who said to go look at RPGs, I've considered that at various points, because I've enjoyed RPGs on other Bionicle forums. Haven't brought myself to it yet.



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Yeah, Omi pulls jokes.


You can't leave I was going to draw you *sniffels*. But if thats what you want I'll be fine... ish.

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Yeah, Omi pulls jokes.


You can't leave I was going to draw you *sniffels*. But if thats what you want I'll be fine... ish.

To quote myself:

You're not serious, are you?

That one has it right.



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*is not surprised*




I'd say that this is inappropriate for what is clearly a joke, but for all I know a person with a self-described inability to feel pain or remorse you may even think this is funny.


If you want to leave BZPower, just leave, and I assure you you will miss nothing even as those on the site miss you. There will be equal amounts of equally productive attention directed at your MOCing talent, and a much greater appreciation for your cynicism about the site's structure which while tiresome for me may very well be welcomed among persons with similar traits (who from my experience congregate at smaller sites less set on producing universal comfort, where they in fact tend to be far more productive). If you truly don't feel pain, surely you won't feel any remorse for slight inconveniences for those who miss you here. With a little looking they'll find you, and of course will keep tabs on your Brickshelf if they are unable to locate the places you post such masterpieces.


GAAAH NOT AGAIN. >.< Lemme leave before I get boring.

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*is not surprised*




I'd say that this is inappropriate for what is clearly a joke, but for all I know a person with a self-described inability to feel pain or remorse you may even think this is funny.


If you want to leave BZPower, just leave, and I assure you you will miss nothing even as those on the site miss you. There will be equal amounts of equally productive attention directed at your MOCing talent, and a much greater appreciation for your cynicism about the site's structure which while tiresome for me may very well be welcomed among persons with similar traits (who from my experience congregate at smaller sites less set on producing universal comfort, where they in fact tend to be far more productive). If you truly don't feel pain, surely you won't feel any remorse for slight inconveniences for those who miss you here. With a little looking they'll find you, and of course will keep tabs on your Brickshelf if they are unable to locate the places you post such masterpieces.


GAAAH NOT AGAIN. >.< Lemme leave before I get boring.

Can you ever not make a block of text? Serious, how fast do you type? :P


But I agree on your points if I understood them correctly. If BZP is such a thorn in your side, why are you here, Ca? You seem miserable all the time.



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If BZP is such a thorn in your side, why are you here, Ca? You seem miserable all the time.

I really dunno. Maybe it's optimism, hoping that this place can be saved.




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If BZP is such a thorn in your side, why are you here, Ca? You seem miserable all the time.

I really dunno. Maybe it's optimism, hoping that this place can be saved.



BZPower is already well-established as what it is intended to be. In your "optimistic" hope for the freedoms of a realistic environment you spoil the optimism of those of us who appreciate the comforts of a well-regulated virtual utopia. Ca, believe me, you'd be welcomed at some of the smaller sites, and might find them more conducive to carefree discussion and the reception of uncensored critique. By all means, stay if you wish to, but seek those freedoms of reality elsewhere, limiting your business here only to discussion which does not serve to demean and frustrate the staff's enforcing of order.


Have you read the book "Utopia?" In all fairness, neither have I, but thanks to the magic of Wikipedia, I know enough to say that it does not describe a realistic source of happiness. It describes a totalitarian society which in such a perfect state could not exist in our world. But here on BZPower we are able to near a -limited- perfection, where by abandoning some of the freedoms which are needed in the real world we can supplement our real-world experiences with comforts unmatched in the real world under less than ideal conditions. BZPower is not meant to be the world, just a supplement to it. The rest is out there waiting, and I encourage you to take it, even if you must abandon what comforts are here.

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If I don't believe ~BD~, what makes you think I will believe you now, rabbit? :P


Aanchir: Ca sees the glass half-full, and that's just his behavior, no point in arguing 'bout it.

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SZ left. SZ came back.

And yes, Quick Electro Lizard, I was joking. I just wanted more posts in my topic. :P




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Well, now would be the best time to hop on the bandwagon. RPG contest 9 is almost over and it new RPG's will start (AMG is stopping and OtMN is abandoned by Celeste). I suggest checking out the polls and cast your vote.



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