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And On That Note



Do any of you, the members of BZP, have suggestions for any of the following forums:






I'd be glad to hear them and see what I can do. You can PM me if you don't want to make your suggestion public.


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BBC could use some more strictly enforced rules, it has been getting awful spammy in there. And while a new FA was appointed I think another one would help this problem quite a bit.

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BBC could use some more strictly enforced rules, it has been getting awful spammy in there. And while a new FA was appointed I think another one would help this problem quite a bit.

What do you mean, "more strictly enforced rules"? Also, the only thing FAs are able to do about spam is report it, contact an FL about it, or send the member who is spamming a PM. So another FA wouldn't exactly help in that department. If you see spam, then report it. I can't exactly recall getting many reports from you recently.


It's sort of like "Don't pass it up, pick it up" except with spam instead of garbage and reporting instead of throwing it away.

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Well... In BBC there are thousands of ''kool 1000000000/10'' posts. I don't know how to stop it else than just give them a warning first time, and if they do it again, we might have no other choice than to punish them.
That, of course, might be too harsh for the new members.

I don't really know what we could do...

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First of all, update the BBC Contest History topic. :P


Get an extra FL for the BBC, republish all the rules in new pinned topics to get the message across.


Don't often visit the other 2 forums so I don't know how things are going over there.



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Well... In BBC there are thousands of ''kool 1000000000/10'' posts. I don't know how to stop it else than just give them a warning first time, and if they do it again, we might have no other choice than to punish them.

That, of course, might be too harsh for the new members.


I don't really know what we could do...


Just report the spam you see, and it will be dealt with.


First of all, update the BBC Contest History topic. :P


Get an extra FL for the BBC, republish all the rules in new pinned topics to get the message across.


Don't often visit the other 2 forums so I don't know how things are going over there.



The BBC History Topic is in the process of being updated.


I don't see a need for an additional FL, nor do I see what republishing the same rules would do.

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Well... In BBC there are thousands of ''kool 1000000000/10'' posts. I don't know how to stop it else than just give them a warning first time, and if they do it again, we might have no other choice than to punish them.

That, of course, might be too harsh for the new members.


I don't really know what we could do...


Just report the spam you see, and it will be dealt with.


But would the spamers know why their posts got deleted?


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Well... In BBC there are thousands of ''kool 1000000000/10'' posts. I don't know how to stop it else than just give them a warning first time, and if they do it again, we might have no other choice than to punish them.

That, of course, might be too harsh for the new members.


I don't really know what we could do...


Just report the spam you see, and it will be dealt with.


But would the spamers know why their posts got deleted?


If it's just one random spam post, no, the member is not usually contacted.


If the member makes several spam posts or is a habitual spammer, then yes, they are contacted about it.

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If you republish them, you'll bring attention to them and members will be more inclined to see if anything changed. Even if nothing changed, they'll have been reminded of the rules and be more inclined to remind people of the rules.



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For Sets, maybe a BIONICLE Photo contest? I mean, people could post pictures of their sets doing things. For example, let's say that tha theme for a photo contest in making a battle scene between the Toa Nuva and the Brotherhood of Makuta, so just take pictures of your Toa Nuva and BOM sets fighting eachother.


That's just a example, of course and you could do different themes each time. It's just something that I think would be very fun for everyone.



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I don't visit BBC very much either, but when I looked around in a few topics there yesterday, I saw a member advertising his MOCs (complete with giant pictures) and basically arguing with another member about who's a better builder -- all in someone else's topic. :wacko:


This topic should be copied and pinned in the BBC forum also.


~Sidorak The Hunter

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I don't really know, but the BBC is flooded with crud anyway. If only we could ban horrible MOCs...


And inject CoT with a dose of win. It has not been living up to my standards.

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Deleting posts just doesn't cut it though, people will still keep posting unusable criticism. Almost every post is the same "Cool! I like the *insert random part of MoC here*. 10/10" post. :/


I don't really know what to do. I would like to do an approved thing or age restriction thing, but for a forum of such proportion. :/



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The "no spamming" rule of the BBC Forum Rules and Guidelines needs a mention of comments solely asking for instructions.


BBC could also use a WIP subforum, 'course, so could all the other creative-type forums...

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