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The Same Thing We Do Every Night



To think: this last week was like a parking lot with all the blogs. But now that all the other cars have left, I can find where I parked. Darn Omi keeps parking in the Fire Lane though.


Anyway, if you know that phrase in my title, you should be able to figure out where I'm going. (Gasp, the title matches the content and isn't totally silly... how unlike me.) Two of my favorite shows have finally come out on DVD: Animaniacs and Pinky and the Brain.


It's about time: the shows haven't been on regular television since about the time DVDs came out. That's one of the things that annoys me: all these current shows that can still be seen come out quickly on DVD, but we have to wait about several years for shows that no longer air... and these are shows that were popular when they were on.


It'll be good to see Animaniacs not on a Nickelodeon station; the last part of the song was edited for the station: the same phrase, at that. That's just terrible: I liked having different things, regardless of how silly or stupid they were.


One of my favorite sketches was Good Idea/Bad Idea--

Good idea: "Taking a deep breath before diving."

Bad idea: "Taking a deep breath after diving."


Besides Animaniacs' wackiness, who could ask for more than a genetically enhanced rodent to failingly try to conquer the world one night at a time? Okay, so you could ask for something else, but that totally diminishes the show that is Pinky and the Brain, and you will not diminish this show on my watch. *Shakes fist, notices there's no watch*


Now, could someone spare some change, so I can go buy these shows? No. Okay, I'll just wait for a price drop then.


©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM


Recommended Comments

Good Idea: Visiting http://www2.cruzio.com/~keeper/GIBI.txt

Bad Idea: Keying Omi's ride, still parked in the fire lane.


Enough said.



You just made my day, granted it's several days after you said it. That doesn't diminish how awesome you are; in fact, you are now more awesome! ^_^


Omi wouldn't know it was me. :evilgrin:



I remember the days when Saturday morning cartoons were worth getting up for.
It seems like so long ago... right, it was so long ago. *Weeps over the loss of youth and sanity*


©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM


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