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You Touch My Sister, You Die!

Kallista ~ Little light


Some stupid girl she thought she could injer my sister in her soccer game.


I will find out where she lives and make sure she never plays soccer again :burnmad:


Lady Ranna


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Unless the injury was clearly intentional, I think that a retort is not needed. These things happen in contact sports.


However, a smart man will stay out of an angry womans way no matter what. *Hides*

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Unless the injury was clearly intentional, I think that a retort is not needed. These things happen in contact sports.


However, a smart man will stay out of an angry womans way no matter what. *Hides*


Diito, What he said. :P

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Unless the injury was clearly intentional, I think that a retort is not needed.


She also injered 2 other girls, clearly intentional, and the ref didn't even call it!!



Lady Ranna

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Guest kopakanuva13


No! I shall... um... use my... ice powers and freeze her? Nah, I used all my power fighting the Morbuzakh :/


But seriously, is your sister OK?

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You guys are ok,

you don't have to run...

(I would preffer you stand beside me in battle)


Lady Ranna

Never mind standing by you, I'll be the guy handing you weapons and driving your personal war chariot




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No! I shall... um... use my... ice powers and freeze her? Nah, I used all my power fighting the Morbuzakh :/


But seriously, is your sister OK?


I don't know, she was really sore and comlaining about it last night (wich really scared me because she is more the grin and bare it type) and I havn't seen her this morning yet... I am getting worried. :unsure:



Never mind standing by you, I'll be the guy handing you weapons and driving your personal war chariot



Awwww ^_^ it's so pretty, thank you



Lady Ranna

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Unless the injury was clearly intentional, I think that a retort is not needed. These things happen in contact sports.


However, a smart man will stay out of an angry womans way no matter what. *Hides*


Diito, What he said. :P


I personaly don't blame the girl for pulling 4 muscles in my leg, I just blame her coach who told her to do it.

The 'reff' was young and inexperienced, so he only gave us a free kick.

The docter is getting back to us on how bad my head is though.... :rolleyes:


Woosa Ranna, Woosa.


Take a breather. Vent it out. Shout a bit.


Think good. Think good.




Yeah, please don't blame her for listening to her coach.

He's the jurk. But he was talked to after.

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Normally I'm the one who ends up tripping people or hurting them. But that's not because I mean to, it's just that my footwork isn't as quick as some of those insanely awesome soccer players. =P


But really, did either the coach or the girl actually admit to planning on doing so?

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Apparently your sister is okay now, so I don't see the need for anger or want of revenge. Things like that happen all the time in contact sports... you play at your own risk. If it was intentional, that's definitely unkind of the person, but if not, then there's no need to get all hyped up about it.

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If you get violent in her defense right now, just wait until she starts dating! Ho ho ho! That'll be great fun!


There are ex-boyfriends of my sisters who are lucky to be alive today. They have only my laziness in making murder plots and the fact that they moved far far away so that I can never see them again to thank.

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