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Weekly Update - 4/4

Black Six



Welcome to the BZPower Weekly Update. As always I'm here to tell you about stuff that's happening on BZPower and such. And then it will be time to watch some Battlestar Galactica before the final season premiers.



Obviously the biggest news this week was the announcement of a new line of Bionicle books. Ok, so maybe it was an April Fools joke, but it was still pretty funny. Major thanks go to Bionicle.com webmaster and former BZP Admin Binkmeister. He pretty much thought up the whole thing and made the very convincing mockups – you rock Kelly! While it may not have been a huge site takeover, I think it still succeeded as a prank, and was much more potentially believable than something like VahkiPower (which still rocked in its own regard).


Of course there's also BBC Contest #49 going on now. Can you make something awesome using only black, white, and grey? Speaking of contests, the RPG Forum COntest #9 is all wrapped up now, congrats to the winners and all the entrants that made this a bigger contest than we've had in a while.


Member interviews are still in the planning phase, more on that as progress is made.


I also recently appeared once again on LAMLradio and got to talk with James. It's fun to go on there, but when the talk goes to building I'm not exactly the best person to have on the show. Don't worry though, James has asked me for a little help on something and hopefully it will result in Bionicle getting even more attention on the show.


Finally, I direct your attention here. Would you like to see this used for more than just birthdays? What do you think could be posted on there? Contests seem like the obvious choice, but anything else? Let me know what you think!



1) How was it to be a non-staff member for 4 days?


2) If you could have any staff role besides Admin, what would it be?


3) What group (members, Premier Members, Outstanding BZP cityzin, etc.) did were you in before becoming staff member?


1) Much less stressful than the six and a half years the followed.

2) Forum Leader; I still get minions to boss around, but don't have to worry about any of the big stuff. :P

3) Premier Members and Outstanding BZPower Citizens did not exist when I joined. I went from being a Member to a Moderator.


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



That's all for today and this week. I hope you enjoyed it. As always, be sure to leave any questions, comments, or feedback you might have!


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Whoa, we still have the calendar feature! *Who Knew* I would suggest putting specific deadlines up there, such as the date when you can discuss spoilers from such-and-such a book.



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A BZP-wide Dress-Up-Like-A-Staff-Member Day where we can change our avatars and banners to look like a staff from the past and present while the staff dress like their favorite regular/premier/OBZPC member.


Of course, this could backfire almost completely.



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Fun April fools stuff....


As for the calendar, BrickWorld (June 19 - 22) should be on there, as well as BrickFair (August 29-31) and links to their pages.


The book (and movie) release dates would be good. Also BZP's birthday (July 20), and Pohatu Appreciation Day (don't know when).


Contest deadlines would be good, for both BZP related events and Lego Mag.


And then have a news article saying how the calender will get updated more so members know to look there. (Honestly, I never do because there's "nothing" there.)


Hope your week goes well.



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