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Weekly Update - 4/11

Black Six



Another week, another update. Not very much exciting to discuss, but read what you will and enjoy.



We're looking into getting the calendar started up and populated with events soon by our staff members. And maybe we'll let you guys add some events at some point. If we do they'll be moderated so we have to approve them before they're live. If you can think of any types of things you want to see on the calendar, let us know so we can include them.


LAMLradio #33 was posted the other day, and while I wasn't on it, BZPower did get a mention for our April Fool's joke. I'm glad to see that other Lego fans liked it.


In other news, it was interesting to see Greg's announcement of the book schedule for next year. I guess that just goes to show the books have not been the best sellers in the Bionicle line. Maybe this is a sign that Bionicle will start focusing its storying more in the comics and on the website again like in the beginning of Bionicle. Or maybe it will boost book sales. Only time will tell.


On another not, do you think the weekly updates are something that should be advertised more, maybe mentioned in the forums or on the front page (not as a news item, but maybe a sidebar link)? It's hard to tell just how many members read this, and I'm sure there are people that don't visit that could get something out of reading this or provide some nice feedback. Thoughts?



1. How do you feel when you make someone's proto lower or higher?


2. If you didn't become staff member, how long do you think it would've taken you to become OBZPC?


3. What's the biggest pain the neck about being staff?



1. Like I'm doing my job. It's not a power trip or anything, just something that has to be done for the betterment of the site.

2. First I would have had to wait for the Proto system to have been implemented, and then get boosts. So probably a couple of years.

3. Dealing with people that don't follow the rules.


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



That's about it for tonight. As always, leave your comments, suggestions, and feedback in the comments so we can make things better.


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In my opinion, each member should have the ability to start their own calendar, and then choose if they wan to make it public or not.


And what is weird is that I was just thinking about the calendar and how we could add events.


Nice ideas though.


And maybe an idea for getting this blog recognized would be to choose certain members you an trust to advertise in their signatures, or their profiles, in their personal statement. I'm not sure if that is a decent possibility though.



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That's just not feasible with the forum software. If you'd like to post special dates for yourself, you can use your signature or blog. BZPower's calendar will only be for Bionicle and BZPower-related events.

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Glad to see you weren't affected by the "female" joke.


I'm a little annoyed about the two book thing. In 2004, there were 6 books, for heaven's sake! Now we're down to two? Ugh. Let's hope we can boost sales and get more books.


The Weekly Update would be fine on the news, but be prepared for a surge of PMs. Once people know there's someone to ask, they all ask questions........and 4 out of 5 are the same ones. Just check the OGD.

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