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Turakii #1 Lavasurfer


Can you believe it!? After all this time, it is finally revealed that Smeag and Makaru are not male, as we supposed, but quite the opposite! Female! And they like pink! =O


How could they fool us like this!? Nobody is going to know what to believe anymore! Next thing we know, something far more horrible could occur --- our darling Tohu could turn out to be Bugs Bunny in disguise!


I can't believe the staff would pull such a prank! Don't they realize what turmoil the members have been thrown into!? Don't they see that this could turn into a forumwide panic epidemic!? Members screaming, running in circles, bumping into walls, and frantically changing their usernames! "Oh No What Happened!!?" and "AAAAHHH!" and "The World Is Ending, Don't Panic!" plastering the hot topic list! The comedies forum abandoned! The results could be far, far worse --- positively disastrous! :OMG:


There are few things more catastrophically confusing than members switching genders!





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How could they fool us like this!? Nobody is going to know what to believe anymore! Next thing we know, something far more horrible could occur --- our darling Tohu could turn out to be Bugs Bunny in disguise!


Silly Turakii, everyone knows Tohu is Daffy Duck, nut Bugs Bunny.


And, thanks to Makandra, Smeagella, and Janice, I don't know if I'm male or female. I'm leaning towards Male.


And how do you Make "Aklan" Girly? Aklette? Akla? Akless?






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ah, thats why i have made the reblen. look at my sig. before you know it, this sig will plaster all of bzpower! the staff will have no choise but to return to normal! and i'll lead it! (go's on rabling about it)

so, i have no clue how long i'll last, as i'm the staffs next target, if you belive Egotistical O' Dalek's theory.

*shunders at the thought of, "toa nuva of alexandra"*

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*screams like a little girl even though I'm male*


I would rrrreeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaalllllllllllyyyyyy hate it if they target me next! I'd have to start a new account! :o

*shudders at the thought of BioniGirl123*

EDIT: Wait, if they change us we can just change back, right?





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