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Rule The World

Angel Beat


You guys know I like Kamelot, right? Well, I went to their concert last night. -_-


Best concert I've been to. :D I was standing all the way to the front. Squee! Wish I came home last night, so I could remember most of the songs they performed.


They started out with "Ghost Opera"'s intro track, which was the instrumental 'Solitaire'. The violin player was amazing. OwO

Then came the first song of the concert, which was 'Rule the World', also from "Ghost Opera". So much power, haha.


A lot of the other songs they played, were 'Ghost Opera', 'The Human Stain', 'March of Mephisto', 'The Haunting (Somewhere in Time)', 'EdenEcho', 'The Mourning Star', 'The Pendulous Fall', 'Karma', 'Center of the Universe', 'The Edge of Paradise', 'Descent of the Archangel' and the ever awesome 'Love You to Death'.


Right after the last song 'March of Mephisto', I managed to shake Thomas Youngblood's hand. :D (He's the guitarist. :D) My mother shook bassist Glenn Barry's hand. x)

And I could swear Roy Khan was looking right at me a couple of times during the concert. >w<


All in all, a great time was had. 8D


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