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Scream... Aim... Fire!

Angel Beat


Hmm... I read somewhere that Carmageddon 4 has been scrapped. Which is so lame. I want my Carma!! Dx




Guess I'll have to play Burnout for some more vehicular carnage.


Hehehe... Jiralhanae...

That's right, it's a species from the Halo games. The Brutes, to be exact. Funny thing about the species name id that it's Korean and it means something along the lines of 'stupid aggressive lunatic'. I must say, the people at Bungie knew what they did. xD




While I was in Amsterdam, I made some purchases. Aside from a Kamelot shirt and a Kamelot book bag, I bought the films 'Seven Samurai' and 'Impostor', the first season of 'BattleStar Galactica', Wolfmother's selftitled album and 'Mother Earth' by Dutch gothic metal band Within Temptation.


Also, a little package arrived today. It contained '2 Days or Die' by Atlas Plug and 'Unearthed' by E.S. Posthumus. I listened to both albums and they're both amazing.


'2 Days or Die' by Atlas Plug is an album which is filled with electronica goodness. From the insanely cool 'Halfway Till Bliss' to the slow, but amazing 'Infiltrate This', everything's good. Also, the song 'Crimson Phoenix' uses a vocal sample I also heard in BoA's song 'Expect'. Fun times. ^_^


'Unearthed' by E.S. Posthumus is hard to describe. It's so full of win though. There are songs which remind me of 'Riverdance', but there are also a lot of songs which remind me of music by Delerium and Enigma. I already knew one of the songs, 'Pompeii', from a game called Plasma Pong. Another song off the album, 'Nara', is the theme song to the show "Cold Case".


I have yet to watch the DVDs. More on those later. :D


I'm now listening to the album 'Scream Aim Fire' by Bullet for My Valentine. I must say, it's very cool so far. :P


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