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I've discovered the ellipses secret lair! The outer ring of Uranus (seriously) is called Ellipson. Hence, GASP! I'm going to need some brave BZPers to launch this final all out assault. If we win, the hostile ellipses will be gone forever, and the asterisks severeley weakened! Prizes include the following:


5000 Lair Points for all raiders

1000 Lair points for all supporters

2000 Lair Points for supply donaters

1 cupcake as bribery. Ya. I'll go that far.


Anywho, I'll need:


A few dozen nice swords

A dozen sniper rifles

Some battering rams

A catapult

A ginormus wrecking ball

1000 Rabid Chiuwawas. People who ask why get their soul eaten.

A few hundred Anti-Ellipse Sheilds

About 20 Time Bombs.


C'mon guys! Lets conquer the Ellipses!




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Have a need for some need for any Pulsar rays? I'll also bring some missles and rocket scienrtists, and more so I'll help with the raid.

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Why not nuke the whole thing? Then, send in your soldiers to "cleanup". :P



Cuz it's no fun.

Have a need for some need for any Pulsar rays? I'll also bring some missles and rocket scienrtists, and more so I'll help with the raid.

Sounds good.



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Why not nuke the whole thing? Then, send in your soldiers to "cleanup". :P



And risk radioactive ellipses?




Well, if they still live, nuke them again. :P

Why not nuke the whole thing? Then, send in your soldiers to "cleanup". :P



Cuz it's no fun.

Have a need for some need for any Pulsar rays? I'll also bring some missles and rocket scienrtists, and more so I'll help with the raid.

Sounds good.




Oh fine, since you're not a fan of radioactive explosions, may I offer you my space ships to transport and provide cover to your soldiers during the invasion?


Also, I have a modified space ship with a catapault on it just for you, if you want it. :P



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Alright, laser katanas, Barret 50 Cal.'s modified for space, and a nuke-tipped rocket for you.


Any soldiers? What kind are you looking for?



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7,000 anti-ellipse shields!

30 million chihuahuas!

And 2,000 of everything else!


[Transmission][Agent: -Lawliet-]

I've gotten into the base! It's re-

ally quite big, actually! I've gott-

en rid of at least 5 of them, but

now the rest of them are closing

in on me! I NEED BACKUP!!

[End of Transmission][Agent: -Lawliet-]



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Alright, laser katanas, Barret 50 Cal.'s modified for space, and a nuke-tipped rocket for you.


Any soldiers? What kind are you looking for?



NICE. Any Spartans would be nice, soldier wise.


7,000 anti-ellipse shields!

30 million chihuahuas!

And 2,000 of everything else!


[Transmission][Agent: -Lawliet-]

I've gotten into the base! It's re-

ally quite big, actually! I've gott-

en rid of at least 5 of them, but

now the rest of them are closing

in on me! I NEED BACKUP!!

[End of Transmission][Agent: -Lawliet-]

Try not to get too RPGish, I don't want this locked.

Thanks for the donation. To fend of those ellipses, post colorfully, they hate unique-ness.



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