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Oh, Hello.

Angel Beat


A week without bloogging.. :o Eh, that's what you get when playing games you just bought.


I'm thinking of writing a public letter to the person who has been in my heart for the last three and a half years. I just don't know what to write without sounding like an obsessed lunatic. xD (I'm glad I'm not an obsessed lunatic. :P) I have a general idea, though. I just need to figure out all the details.


[subject change]


I got some assignments I need to do before I can be accepted into college. Needs to be done in a few weeks.


The first one is to do a photoshoot in a bakery. Pictures of the employees and such. I'm glad there are a few bakeries in my hometown, though. :P So it might be easy.


The other one is going to be a bit harder for me. I'm going to have to write a professional report on why I should be one of the people who deserve to be accepted into the college study. At least 800 words for this one. (Wish me luck!)


I've never been one to use many words in reports.


Argh... just found out that the photoshoot had to be sent through email yesterday. I got the assignment only a day before and I didn't have time to do it. Geez...


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-throws away stick- Yay! You came back I was about to start poking you. Also, good luck dude!



I never really left. ;) Thankyou!


Ooh, good luck, Val. =D


Me want bakeries in me town! Whaa!



Thank you! xD


Hehehe, I guess we have three of them here. ;)

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