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Stargate Moc



Today I started getting a lot of emails about an old MOC of mine, LEGO Stargate. Turns out it's on the front of MocPages.com as the Featured Moc of the Day. :)




In other news, I'm back from my trip to the UK... it was a very busy couple of days. The first day, I took the train down to Bournemouth and visited a video game developer - the same one who created the Mahri and Phantoka games. We discussed the upcoming game for later this year, and I think we're all pretty happy with what we came up with. It will be different from the Mahri and Phantoka games - quite different. We also discussed options for 2009, but that's a ways off.


We worked long and hard, sweating over the mountains of paperwork I lugged with me, rebuilding some of the Fall '08 models that had shed some of their pieces in transit. The day was very busy but very productive. In fact, I have a picture demonstrating the day's labors. I think you can see now the massive amount of effort that yours truly puts into his work.


The next day was even busier, walking miles and miles on hard concrete. And although that project hasn't yet reached a turning point, I'm hoping it does in the next couple of months.


Finally, just got word that my contract with LEGO is being extended to the end of 2008. B)




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Yeah Bink! You better keep providing screenies this year, 'else you'll get stuck with the really bad job: answering hundreds of PMs a day. coughGregFcough


Anyway, nice MOC. Very sturdy.




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You're the one who built that Stargate?! Wow, I had seen it before and didn't know that it was your creation. Anyhow, it is extremely awesome. B)


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Cool, very different? *Is hoping for the best I can think of, a Bio MMOG/MMORPG* Probably won't happen this year, but hey, a guy can dream XD Fall '08 models? Lucky... But hey, working for LEGO tends to have those rewards XD You contract got extended? Congrats! Keep up the good work Bink :)

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Brilliant MoC!


You visited the UK? Shame I live in the southern areas of England.


Edit: Oh yeh, and Brilliant Car too!

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You kinda look like Henry Van Statten from doctor who in that photo but in topic, is the game KNOG or a multiplayer online game?



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Late reply to something I didn't see. Sweet MOC and ride. Do you like driving on the wrong side of the road?



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