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Weekly Update - 4/18

Black Six



Doctor Who season premier on SciFi tonight, so I better get this done quickly! A lot of people are really busy this time of year, what with taxes, and semesters ending, and AP tests approaching, so don't be surprised by the lack of activity.



One piece of news I'm happen to report on is that is all goes well we should have a new set review up tomorrow! You'll have to wait to see what the set is, but there aren't very many options at this point.


The setting for the calendar have all (hopefully) been configured, so we should start seeing some updates on there in the next week or so. If there's something you think would be a good addition to the calendar, leave a comment or PM me or another staff member so we can see about adding it.


That's about it for now, we're still working on getting the Member Interviews up and running, but I wouldn't expect to see the first one until May. If you have any questions you think we should ask members, let us know in the comments!



Will there ever be another BBC contest where past winners are the only ones allowed to compete, like BBC #25?

Well, it just so happens that our next BBC Contest is #50. That may or may not mean something special is happening. You'll have to wait and see.


1) I read the thing about the copper Hunas not being sent out out anymore. Does that mean members (such as me) who got full proto before the supply ran out won't get them?


2) If not, does that mean they will be sent out finally?


3) With the calender, will you add dates such as when book spoilers are allowed etc...?

1) We're hoping to be able to still be able to ship out those Hunas, but the details are still being worked out.

2) See above.

3) That is one of the things we are hoping to do with the calendar. Check out the rest of the update for a little more info about this feature.


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



I hope you feel you have been properly updated and enjoyed this edition of our Weekly Update. As always, leave us your questions, comments, and other feedback.


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A lot of people are really busy this time of year, what with taxes, and semesters ending, and AP tests approaching, so don't be surprised by the lack of activity

That makes me feel really sad, because I haven't been in my third semester for a full month yet. Looks like I'll be out by mid summer...


Looks like lots of cool things are on the horizon. Fun!



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Doctor Who season premier on SciFi tonight, so I better get this done quickly!

We have just seen the 3rd episode:)

Won't spoil it though

Just say its good:P



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If you have any questions you think we should ask members, let us know in the comments!


How about "If you could, how would you change the main design of BZPower?" That way, you could have another question to ask, and see how people feel about the site's design. (Personally, I think it needs more green :P )

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