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Thats fine and dandy, however yesterday and the day before were not. To quote the official entry topic:


Preliminary Voting begins April 17th and ends April 20th at 11:59 P.M. EST.


Now do not get me wrong here, I am almost positive about her being busy, but when you give a date for something should it not be done by then? We surely would not be given an extension deadline for our entries if we were just too busy to post them on time. Yea its not a big deal blah blah blah but this kind of thing bugs me and I am not afraid to let that be known.

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I see your point, but it's too hard to extend the deadline for people in the contest. Then, no one would enter on time, and the contest might never end. I do feel slightly irked by the length of time it takes for the polls, but you have to remember that there are over 250 entries. That's a lot of polls to make in even two days.



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The polls will go up when they're ready. Staff do have real lives, and sometimes they conflict with BZPower. Guess which one takes precedence?

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Well, B6, that may be true, but if polls are never up by the promised date, shouldn't they post a more realistic date? I mean, if we know we're going to have to wait a few days, why not add a few days to the... um... you know what I'm talking about. I have no problem in waiting, my problem is that I'm told the polls will be up by blank, but they never are. Why not say the polls will be up at a later date?

(really Bunda)

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Well, B6, that may be true, but if polls are never up by the promised date, shouldn't they post a more realistic date? I mean, if we know we're going to have to wait a few days, why not add a few days to the... um... you know what I'm talking about. I have no problem in waiting, my problem is that I'm told the polls will be up by blank, but they never are. Why not say the polls will be up at a later date?



(really Bunda)


That's a good idea. Then it won't pressure Tufi and Kex to have to get them up.

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