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Kopaka's Ice Engineering


So this new Chinese place opened up on Kent Avenue, up by W. Esplanade (about 9 blocks from my apartment, I drive by it to go to work) a couple of weeks ago. Fu Star is its name. And I'd been putting off and putting off going there for lunch, until its sheer convenience overwhelmed me over the weekend, and I broke down and went there today.


Called Omi yesterday on a supposed whim, as to what would be the best thing to get. He said "chicken," so I got chicken. Chicken curry, in fact.


I brought it to my apartment, along with some other stuff I plan to bring to Brickfest, and as I'm attempting to mix the golden mustard sauce with the sticky white rice, it occurs to me:


This is only the second time I've ever had chicken curry.

The first time was an MRE in Marrero a couple of weeks after Katrina.


Let me break it here: MRE stands for one of two things: Meals Ready to Eat, or in a previous generation Military Ration Equivalent. It is a beige plastic bag that contains, well, a meal fit for a soldier. A meat dish, some starchy side dishes, a dessert and something refreshing to drink. Condiments are included, as well as a wetnap and specially designed matches that will ignite in very humid climates (for post-meal cigarettes, I suppose, because...) It even includes a heater bag: Some black powder in a silica gel bag, you put this and the meat/potatoes/rice/whatever should be heated, then a little water (up to a very short fill line), and double over the bag end. The water chemically reacts to the contents of the cloth-ish pouch, giving off a lot of heat, which heats your meal. Trés spiffeh.

And what's more, these bags and contents are all but indestructible. If the menu bag is unopened, the meal within is good for 20 years. If the bags are kept refrigerated or in the pantry (or whatever you do with your groceries, aside from freezing with Smeagol4's favorite treat (Blue Bell ½ Cherry Vanilla + ½ Homemade Vanilla = best bowl ever.)), they will keep virtually forever.


Only one hitch: these meals are designed for active soldiers. One bag contains about 3800 calories, and for all the preservatives, the sodium will really build up in your system. It's a very funny feeling for your elbows to tell you how much you'd want a banana right now. :blink:


MRE's....I won't say the army eats like kings, but they're a heckuva lot better than McDonald's, even the premium chicken sandwiches. *adjusts his 1/8 oz. bottle of Tabasco that came in an MRE* :usa:


Where was I going with this? While I could praise the culinary expertise of Fu Star in Metairie (and it was decent curry, mind you), the memory that really struck home was how, 48 weeks ago today, life here became considerably less normal. Effects of the hydrotic apocalypse that was Hurricane Katrina can still be seen today: I mentioned driving down Kent Avenue to get to work? 3 blocks are still one-lane because of personal vehicles parked in the street. Why aren't they parked in their driveways? Big ol' FEMA trailers sitting in the way.


While it may be rumbling outside (daily pattern of scattered afternoon showers), the Gulf has been quiet for 2 months. It's an uneasy quiet, though. I remember the first storm of 1992 was Andrew, and it hit after school had resumed after the summer (I had just started 8th grade. Yes, I'm old. :P ). Andrew waylayed south Louisiana not quite as badly as Katrina busted up the Mississippi delta and coast.


I almost, no, I do want to see a storm out there, if only for it to cut a path through northern Mexico. Something to use up the warm water energy that would fuel another Andrew.

Or Katrina.




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I remember the first time I heard about MRE's. I was watching Tremors II, Aftershocks. The Shriekers got into 'em and multiplied like crazy. But don't get the plastic wrapped ones. Plastic isn't air or water tight. Foil is the way to go for longevity. All this and more from our friendly survivalist, Burton Gummer.
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I remember the first time I heard about MRE's. I was watching Tremors II, Aftershocks. The Shriekers got into 'em and multiplied like crazy.

YES!!!! :P


Anyways glad I could have been of service. B)



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Nothing beats home cooking (or reasonable facsimile); although I know only what I hear about army food, topping McDonald's can't be much of a feat, as it's fast food... that new Snack Wrap is a joke. :glare:


*Insert joke about Hurricane Black Six here*


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