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Kopaka Phantoka



Sorry 'bout the Linux entry. It'll happen. :)


Anyway, I got Kopaka Phantoka today - believe it or not, my first '08 set!


I think it's pretty good, actually. I'm one of those freaks who misses the gears, so I'm still annoyed that it's going action-figurish. However, I'm glad that his mask at least slightly resembles his Nuva form - although I don't like the red thing. The wings are pretty cool, and the Midak is massive! It does, however, make balancing Kopaka quite tricky.


He's a pretty cool set. Here's to Technic parts returning. :)


What do you guys think of him, or the '08 sets in general?


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Kopaka's a favorite 2008 set of mine, though I really like all three of the Nuva Phantoka. The Mistika are somewhat disappointing, as they break most of the trends of their teammates (Bright primary, bley secondary, different torso armor for each, different means of propulsion for each, no explicitly Makuta parts from this year) and thus lose many of their similarities. However, there are about the same number of new parts among the Mistika as there are among the Phantoka, so I have formulated plans for Phantoka-ized revamps, which hopefully will be as easy as the pics of the new parts hint. Still a WIP for that reason and others.


What do you mean, return of Technic parts? Didn't the Mahri have enough Technic (and for that matter, system :P )? But I agree, I like more generic parts in BIONICLE for MOCing reasons (some people don't get many sets a year, but should still get enough parts for a creative MOC in one or two canister sets). As for a true return to action features and Technic-styled builds, I have high hopes for the success of the vehicles in stores which greatly improves the chances for the success of action features (vehicles, after all, have nothing much to gain from poseability).

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Lewa: He's okay, Midak's bit heavy for a one-hander, sword's huge, and he's kind of lanky, plus the Matoro claws are sometimes annoying. The lime is nice, and he has a cool mask.

Kopaka: Too much bley, but hey, what can I say? (Yay rhyme!) Midak restricts poseability, but the laser targets are cool. Don't like the chest armor much. Mask is cool.

Pohatu: Best placed Midak, nice new spinning claws, bright and wondeful orange (hate yellow), and awesome mask (very Vahi-like). Only concern is taht his legs are short.

Antroz: His wings are too big, and his claws are kind of lame. His mask is cool, and he looks nice posed.

Chirox: His wings are too restricted folded up and too lon extended, but he has a cool mask and nice (if not a bit odd) tools.

Vamprah: A surprise hit with me. The most batlike, with claws and lots of wings. Nice colour scheme, is the best at "teamed-up" poses.


Oddly, my two favorites (Pohatu and Vamprah) were the two I didn't plan on getting. :lol:


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Kopaka's a favorite 2008 set of mine, though I really like all three of the Nuva Phantoka. The Mistika are somewhat disappointing, as they break most of the trends of their teammates (Bright primary, bley secondary, different torso armor for each, different means of propulsion for each, no explicitly Makuta parts from this year) and thus lose many of their similarities. However, there are about the same number of new parts among the Mistika as there are among the Phantoka, so I have formulated plans for Phantoka-ized revamps, which hopefully will be as easy as the pics of the new parts hint. Still a WIP for that reason and others.


What do you mean, return of Technic parts? Didn't the Mahri have enough Technic (and for that matter, system :P )? But I agree, I like more generic parts in BIONICLE for MOCing reasons (some people don't get many sets a year, but should still get enough parts for a creative MOC in one or two canister sets). As for a true return to action features and Technic-styled builds, I have high hopes for the success of the vehicles in stores which greatly improves the chances for the success of action features (vehicles, after all, have nothing much to gain from poseability).


Nice speech. XD

Another little gripe I have is that Kopaka's eyes are yellow. That's just wrong.


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A friend of mine (Lady Ranna) hated that they changed his eye colour as well


Anyway, the thing I like about Kopaka is the cool poses you can get him into when he's holding his Midak. His wings are awesome too


I usually just take Lewa's midaka way, because he simply cannot hold the great bulky thing with one hand, especially with all the stuff he's already got on his arms


Pohatu was a bit of a let down in some places (so much grey, ridiculously easy to build, pathetic mask), but quite good in others (propellor arms :drooling:, Easy-to-pose Midak, did I mention the prpellor arms?)


Antroz is quite good, but a litle awkward to pose because of where his wings are. His mask roxorz your soxorz though


Chirox is weird, especially the arms.


If you're going to get another Phantoka, I advise Vamprah (if you haven't got him already). He is by far the best one of the six and i have nothing but praise for the set

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