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I Had It First; Therefore, I Have More Fun



Something I keep seeing is a complaint that another area, usually a country, gets some product first, whether BIONICLE set, video game, or other-- curse them for getting that "other" first... I hate them so. Anyway, I don't see what the big deal is who gets something first, as long as other places are getting a chance at it (that's key, though I'll explain later).


It's as if people seem to think that just because another place gets something first, they who don't have will enjoy it less when it finally gets to them; honestly, I find that a person who gets an item first is more likely to grow bored of it sooner than someone who has a chance at it later, possibly even before the second person receives the item. It's one thing if a recipient is getting a secondhand item, but it's another all together if that same recipient (for simplicity's sake) is eventually getting a chance at a brand new/unopened product. Now I'm not talking about when one place gets something and another doesn't at all; if that's the case, the argument has more validity. For those who do get a chance, you may not like that other people got it before you, but if you're just complaining because you don't get something first, it's pretty much just whining.


I'll use two examples: Hordika-Visorak and Super Smash Bros. Brawl. In the Hordika-Visorak example, different countries had each set type released alternately between summer and winter, which was not a bad thing. The problem was that people complained because one area was getting the set type they weren't; meanwhile, those people who complained should've at least been grateful for getting a chance at the other set type first and an eventual chance at the other. Did each place not enjoy the set type it received first? Now for the Super Smash Bros. Brawl example, the game was released on different dates in different places. The first complaint was about the release date being pushed back more than once from when it was originally planned; the problem with that is these people might not realize that Nintendo has a history of delaying its products and pushing back release dates numerous times for single products, usually their big sellers. Now we might not like the delay, but some of us expect it. Another complaint is that Japan got it two months ahead of the US, and the launch date for other places is still uncertain (last I heard was the start of May). Now I don't Nintendo's reasons for that, but we can't change it; besides, I have to ask if it matters who gets it first, so long as those who want to play it at least get a chance?


If you think your enjoyment factor will be lessened simply by others receiving something first, then it's your problem, not anyone else's. On the other hand, if it's because those who have it spoiled stuff for you, especially important stuff you didn't want to know yet, then I can't blame you for thinking you might not enjoy it.


©1984-2007 Toaraga EAM


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I think it has to do with the anticipation, that they think it isn't fair that they have to wait longer for the goodies than the other people. They're eager to see what it's actually like.



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I agree 100 percent with you TR. Those who take the time and money to preorder deserve to have the games first naturally. As for overseas releases, what can we do? Eventually we will get the games, and if not there is always the import option.

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*reads paragraph and a half*


What about races? 1st place usually gets the spoils, like the Kenyan who won the Boston Marathon for the fourth time this year today.



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True that.

I was lucky though, because a friend was in Wales and she brought me back Sidorak and Oohnorak several months before the US release date.

(really Bunda)

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I was lucky. I thought the Hordika looked bleh. =P

I only ever complain about not getting things over here at all. And for a long while that's been a big problem. Still is in some cases.



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I think it has to do with the anticipation, that they think it isn't fair that they have to wait longer for the goodies than the other people. They're eager to see what it's actually like.
Unfortunately, some people make it sound like an injustice; there's fair, then there's just. They might seem to be the same ideal, but they're not always.


What about races? 1st place usually gets the spoils, like the Kenyan who won the Boston Marathon for the fourth time this year today.
That's not the same thing; I'm talking about non-prize items, things one can purchase (or be given as a gift). Besides, with no external interference, all runners should have an equal opportunity at trying for first. I have nothing against genuine competitions, but people turn nonsensical things that aren't competitions into them, and that's where the problem lies.


I only ever complain about not getting things over here at all. And for a long while that's been a big problem. Still is in some cases.
That's my point. Your argument is more valid because something doesn't get to you, so you don't have a chance at it outside of ordering online, but even there are limitations. Of course, I don't control the companies or have any direct influence over them, so I can't make them send things your way.


©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM


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