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The Leading Man

Spoony Bard


So recently the Frozen section has merged with Dairy, with the Dairy Merchandise Supervisor (Ray) being in charge of both cuz the Frozen Merch. Supervisor (Tim) stepped down. Frozen and Dairy are hard to keep up with as is (especially Dairy when you gotta keep things fresh like Produce). But now that Ray has control over Frozen as well, he just has more to handle. So even though he is the Supervisor (and he is an awesome one too, as was Tim too). So to make things a bit easier, Ray is placing one associate from each area in charge, which is basically a leader who will help keep tabs of everything (somewhat like a supervisor, but not).


Well I just so happen to be the leader of the Frozen section, cuz I happen to be more qualified than everyone else that works in there. I don't mind, considering it doesn't add any other duties to my work. Just means he will be going to me for things about the freezer and stuff. With that, I (meaning I volunteered) also placed myself in charge of cleaning the freezer and the backroom that the freezer is in (means I sweep and mop the freezer and keep shelves organized). Cuz honestly, I like a clean work space. And when management sees things messy, its not gonna be good.




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Going the extra mile is likely to get you some more positive attention from higher ups, too. Not that you don't already have that :P

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"I'm the leading man, and the lies I weave are oh-so intricate..."




Oh wait.






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Nice job! Moving on up. *Pictures Omi as CEO of Wal-mart*

Cleanliness is good a thing to desire. :)


Boy, we sure could use you at my local Wal-mart...


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