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Here, have some WIP.

First up is Manix's mask. Just a Pakari, but I finally found a way to attach a flower nicely. Oh yeah, Kokaru from my epic is now Manix. Kokaru is too basic a name.

And here we have my Bundalings/Btyrn idea. Note the body is Seyna's. I borrowed it. =P The arms and body will be different, and the colors are wack. The wing is just a concept, and may not be included in the final design.

Oh, and so you know, I've given up on big MOCs. They just aren't my forte.

(really Bunda)


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Guest kopakanuva13


What about Clear Sky? Will you still finish him (or am I stupid and not notice he was posted :P )?

Anyways, I like the flower. Is it Clickits, or something else?

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What about Clear Sky? Will you still finish him (or am I stupid and not notice he was posted :P )?

Anyways, I like the flower. Is it Clickits, or something else?

Clear sky is partially dismantled and awaiting me to rebuild him and take pictures. :/


No, the flower is a basic system flower, available in many many sets.



(really Bunda)

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What do you mean you've given up on big mocs? Your war-slug was awesome!

Oh, and I like the wings, but they're not too fitting. See if you can work them into another moc.

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I like Manix a lot, but I don't think Bunnies have wings....



Bionicle Bundalings isn't really a bunny. He's either a lesser spirit, (in which case he can shapeshift) or a Matoran Hordika. Both may have wings. =P

What do you mean you've given up on big mocs? Your war-slug was awesome!

Oh, and I like the wings, but they're not too fitting. See if you can work them into another moc.

I'm better at small stuff, and it's less time consuming.


Yeah, I may make a bird for those wings. =D



(really Bunda)


Edit: I just realized that you can see Yahri in the background of the first pic... oops... consider yourself spoiled. :P

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Must... get.. green Hau....


I like Bundalings. How'd you attach the ears?



They're just wedged. I'm currently trying to find a more secure way to attach them.



(really Bunda)

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But I loved the giant slugs... :(


Anyway, Manix sounds too much like Manics. If you plan to keep it, at least change the spelling around a bit. Maybe replace that I with a Y...

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Flowah powah! I really cannot wait for these.

I need to finished my raptor MoC, you reminded me.

Oh dear, did I say say that loud.



Don't tell anyone!
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But I loved the giant slugs... :(


Anyway, Manix sounds too much like Manics. If you plan to keep it, at least change the spelling around a bit. Maybe replace that I with a Y...

I like Ys...


*takes name*

Flowah powah! I really cannot wait for these.


I need to finished my raptor MoC, you reminded me.


Oh dear, did I say say that loud.






Don't tell anyone!

*tells everyone*



(really Bunda)

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I like Manix a lot, but I don't think Bunnies have wings....






They don't!? :???: Strange, I was somehow aware they did. I swear I saw one flying the other day...


The flower on manix rocks, and the wings on the Bunny thing are WIN with those swords, although they're kinda scary. :fear:





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*Hopes the colors will change.* Both look goodly.

I said they were prototypes, silly Mord. I'm not at all done with Bunda. His arms and torso will be completely diferent.



(really Bunda)

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