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• What's That Mean To You? •



50 degrees. Fifty stupid degrees. After a week of gorgeous 80 degree weather, you think mother nature would be happy. But, alas, as all mothers, she just bought me a brand new Bionicle, let me hold it, and then stuffed it in a corner for my birthday. Haha.


So, my question of the day for you guys is what are your opinions on this crazy weather? You like it, you hate it, you don't really care because you don't live in the States? Lol.


In other news, I'm drinking a bottle of Ice Mountain water <insert promotional information on Ice Mountain water here>, and listening to Avenged Sevenfold's latest single, Afterlife. It's pretty awesome. Some tight rifts, and powerful lyrics. Oh, and The Rev kicks butt on the drums, too. ^_^


Well, I gotta go take a shower and hit the hay. Sorry to those who were expecting me to come online today, but I have to catch up on sleep (I missed my alarm this morning, and can't afford to miss it again :P).




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It sucks cause none of the girls can come out now....And they are barely out as it is....


Oh and the irony of you saying mother nature and what we both learned in chapel today. Lol.

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