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Realization And Resolution



Today I realized why my MOCs have sucked so much lately: I have too many freakin' WIPs. Serious, the list is very long.

This means my part supply is running very, very low, and I continually have to turn into Bunda the Black Pawed Parts Thief and destroy WIPs.

Well no more! I have now decided to make no more MOCs until I finish my WIPs and take pictures of them. This means No More Contests for me until I am done. Hopefully I'll start tomorrow.

Sadly, this means I won't be able to enter Kopakalaka's contest, which is rather depressing. Though if I can find my pods and complete my entry before it closes, I may make an exception, because I found out about the contest before I made this entry...



Also, I found an awesome way to attach bunny ears to a Metru head and make trans purple eyes with flames, that don't fallout!


Now to track down some purple flames for my self MOCs eyes and elemental energy...

(really Bunda)


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woah, you got trans-purple eyes and bunny eared metru heads?

I said I know how. I can't do it until I buy some pieces. I've worked it out with different colors though...

I have the same problem. ;)


It feels so bad to take apart a WiP though. :(






(really Bunda)

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All my WIPs are in my head. I may dabble with pieces, in which I'll take a picture for later. But if I'm sitting down with pieces for a long period of time, I MOC something and not concepts.


Just a thought on getting things done.



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All my WIPs are in my head. I may dabble with pieces, in which I'll take a picture for later. But if I'm sitting down with pieces for a long period of time, I MOC something and not concepts.


Just a thought on getting things done.



I have a poor memory, so I have to get things down in parts before I forget.



(really Bunda)

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PURPLE :drooling:



Anyway, I must not Moc as much as you, seeing as I only currently have 2 WIPs, and 2 Completed Mocs. :blink:





No, it's just build up. I have some MOCs from last summer.




Several, actually, and one from last spring.



(really Bunda)

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Sadly, I only have enough ball joints in my entire collection for one fully custom MOC at a time. I only have one WIP so far.

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