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Can't Wait For...



Ironman (I didn't think I'd be allowed to see this, then my dad showed interest. I hope to see it Sunday)

Speed Racer (Comes out on Senior Skip Day (and prom). Guess what I'm doing.) (I've got to get the two $20 Lego sets.)

Prince Caspian (I need to re-read the book. And maybe see the first movie. And maybe instead of seeing it, I should study for finals.)

Indy (Maybe) (I've only seen the first one, so I'm not an Indy Gear Head. Still, if my friends drag me along....hey, school will have been over by then, and we'll want something to do.)

Batman (Maybe) (Not my favorite superhero, but I bet my brother will see it so I'll tag along. The Batmobile is awesome, so glad Lego is making it!)

HBoy 2: The Golden Army ('Cause, as we discussed a few days ago, HBoy was amazing. Anyone know if the soundtrack is good?)



I just found out City of Ember was being turned into a movie. I guess I'll have to read the book I've been wanting to read for 4+ years now.

The Day the Earth Stood Still sounds interesting. It's sci-fi, so I'm interested.

What's with Fanboys?

(OK, I've just found a site with tons of 2008 movie listings. I'll be rambling right now on what looks cool.)

I'm hesitant about SW: The Clone Wars, but hey, it's Star Wars.

Considering I absolutely detested the 5th Harry Potter movie, it pains me as a Potter fan to not want to see the 6th movie. I think some friends will have to drag me along to this.

Star Trek movie? I dunno, I'm not that big of a fan. We'll see.


-CF :kakama:


Quote of the Day: Fire “drill” announcement: Monotone voice: This is not a drill. Please evacuate the building in a quicker fashion then before or you all die.


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From what I've seen, they ruined Speed Racer. =(

You kidding? Looks amazing.


And of course HP 5 sucked. The book sucked. You can't make a good movie out of a bad book. Other way around, sure.


Yeah, Speed looks great! Tons of CGI and action, with a pretty good story, or at the least something of a plot. It is, after, supposed to be a family movie, and an awesome one at that.


As for good/bad movies out of good/bad books, and you said "other way around, sure," then it's like Eragon....



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If you see that many movies, you'll severely deplete your bank account. Hollywood doesn't need that much economic support. If you're worried about starving movie stars and the such... :annoyed2:


Out of the movies you listed, I'll probably seen Indiana Jones 4. That's the only movie I'm planning to see in theaters, actually. Other stuff can wait to come out on DVD first.




Some of those I'll wait until DVD too, but others I'll be seeing with my dad/family, so I probably won't have to pay for my ticket.


Plus, come September, I'll be on-campus and who knows if I'll have time to see movies?



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I buy or rent more movies than I see in theaters, but I'll be sure to watch some of these on the big screen.

I didn't know they're making a remake of The Day the Earth Stood Still. Sounds awesome. I recommend the original Black&White film though.

I hope to see Hboy2.

I didn't bother to see Batman Begins, but watching the Joker in action will be so worth watching the Dark Knight

Ironman and Indy are top on my list. I hope Indy´s good.

Not to much interest in HP6, and Prince Caspian.

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