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Time To Vent

The True Zedd of BZPower


OK recently GTA IV was released(great game) and it is once again surounded by countraversy. I have seen and heard a few thing and now I am getting on my soapbox and go on an intangible rant on video game countraversy directed at the fat pigs who enjoy trying to take the companies who make "bad" games. I'll try to make this as BZP friendly as possible:


First off I'm going to address the "fact" that a video game is a murder simulator and trains anybody who plays them to kill. Um.. yes that is very true! Because we all know the R2 trigger is just like a peddale, the O button is exactly like a trigger! and Anybody can take several shots to the chest and still walk around! If video games train people to kill then watch out because I am an expert at killing!

Yes as you can see the acusation is flase. In Virgina Tech the attorney I dislike more than a screaming baby(Jack Thompson) said that the killer(Cho?) trianed on counter-strike and that allowed him to kill easily. He said this "fact" even though Cho's roomate said he hardly ever played the game and mainly wrote english plays(I don't have an exact quote and I'm not sure if thats the exact statment so don't quote me). Well I firmly belive Jack is derranged and dosn't know half the things he says are false so I'll leave it at that.

The next point is saying that the games are targeted toward minors. Yeah um, wait what? Yes we all know an M-rated game targeted at adults and cannot be sold to minors is clearly targeting it'self toward kids. It's like Adam Sessler said on his eddition of Sesslers Soapbos. The Marketing isn't geared toward the children, It's the children who see the marketing(once again that is not the exact quote but it was similar) It's the PARENTS who buy these games for their kids. It's the parents who do not see the large M on the front of the box. For the love of Mata Nui the game is called GRAND THEFT AUTO! It's another way of saying MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT! Plus the back of the box very CLEARLY hints that this game is not for kids! I don't see why parents can't figure that out!

My third and final point is If you don't like the game then don't buy it. Everybody out there complains that violent games should not be bought and that they are the cause of violence is society and blah blah blah. Yes because we all know violence wasn't around before video games were invented. If you don't like these types of games then don't buy them. Stop going on about how bad they are!


OK That was my rant on video game countraversy. I think it's BZP apropriate.





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Here here!


Now I must train to assasinate the president of the United Stated by playing the Hitman series![/sarcasm]

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Unfortuneatly, there are a few flaws with your rant.


First a M rating means that individuals 17 and older can buy the game, and if you're 17 you're a minor. Therefore, M rated games are targeted toward minors. Now I know that there is only a year difference between 17 and 18, but 17 still means you are a minor.


Second, the problem with violent videogames is not because they train people to become murders; there is the possiblity that it will desensitize people to the violence, especially young people. That means that they become used to the violence and killing, which is bad.


Third, violent videogames can give a person a basic understanding of how weapons work; like this:


'If I take this gun, aim down the sights, and shot that guy in the head, it will kill him.'


Those are the problems with violent videogames, but that can all be avoided if the player is mature enough to handle it. Oh wait! M stands for mature. How ironic. :sarcastic:

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I beat you to the essay. I wrote an essay about the same thing, except it was more wide-ranged and was finished 2 months ago.


Eh, that rant was weird.


But still, I did say that companies are working to tone these down. Want GTA, get Chinatown Wars. It's less explicit.


And Tafu's right. Kids who are exposed to this will eventually adapt to it, since early childhood is the time when people get used to things. See this, and they'll go bad.


And one thing I want to point out that you missed is that you don't have to kill. You could go buy a car and just be a good civilian and beat down some criminals. Or you could get a car and make it like an NFS game. Free Roam. That's why it's called sandbox.


But I had my essay wider-ranged. From brain-numbing (false) to obesity (again false). Plus, you'll see gamers make better surgeons and drivers.

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I actually don't get the ESRB's rating system. For example, Halo Reach. A great game with amazing graphics, solid storyline, and incredible multiplayer. In the campaign, it has extensive swearing, but not even meriting a Mild Language rating, but at least a Language rating. Yet, it is only rated M for Blood and Violence. Yet games like Call of Duty Black Ops, with an option in the Options Menu allows you reduce graphic content at will still gets Rated M for Strong Language, Blood & Gore, and others. How is that right?

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