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Prince Caspian
















Well, for starters, Wardrobe > Caspian.

I am biased! Prince Caspian was is my least favorite Narnia book, and hopefully my least favorite Narnia film.


So then! People who haven't seen it beware! Spoilers ahead!

Gone? Good.


I liked the way they began, at first, but then it just went haywire. Instantly they start the bloodshed when Susan shoots some dude. You get to assume he died.
Not like the book.

The Telmarine's accents bugged me at first, but I got over it. It fits they're background.

I felt they strayed from the characters personalities too much... Peter being rude, angry and arrogant, Susan falling in love... bah. Reepicheep is still WIN, though his voice wasn't high and shrill, as is described, and I felt Trufflehunter was poorly cast.

Lucy and Edmund were good though.

Lucy and Susan never went to the Stone Table in the book... but I can forgive that point. The fight at the castle was horrible though, just horrible. It deviated so much from the book is made me go XD
Not cool.

Miraz was played well, as well as Sopespian and Glozell. I didn't much like Peter this time, but mainly because of his bizarre personality change.

It seemed to me they crammed too much fighting in, and threw other important things out the window. They seem to have forgotten that the the Pevensies didn't come to Narnia until the Narnians were trenched up at Aslan's How.

The part where the Narnians tunneled under the battlefield was also FAIL.



But it wasn't all bad. The part with the hag, the werewolf and Jadis (the White Witch) was so much better than it was in the book. I thought it was awesome. It also seemed good that they put her in it, as she is the main villian of the series.

So to sum it up:

Slightly better, if overly violent, film, worse adaptation than Wardrobe.
Susan + Caspian + Peter = FAIL
Lucy + Reepicheep + Jadis = WIN

So that's all for now folks! Oh ya, me and Mr. Mord are working on an RPG. Expect it to be never entered ever ever in the next contest. (if I told you to expect it it would be jinxed)




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Also, there were some mistakes in the script.


#1: Miraz said he found one of Susan's arrows in one of his soldiers (the ones throwing the dwarf in the river). She shot only one arrow, which hit the side of the boat, and both soldiers jump in.



#2: Peter called Prince Caspian by his name and title, when they had first met.



Seeing the movie twice in two days does this to you.


Still, I thought Reepicheep was amazing. <3.


The helmet and armor designs for the Telmarians were also pretty good.




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Guest kopakanuva13


I liked the movie, but it was sorta... I dunno, it was like they shoved a square peg in a round hole... Although I don't know exactly why, the movie just seemed sorta... Abrupt. Like Harry Potter 3 (Movie). It was good, though.
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Im' currently re-reading it, since I haven't read it for a while now.


Meh, it didn't look like it followed the book very well from the trailer, although it still looked good.


Me can't waits to see Reepicheep.


Why is Lucy WIN? :P






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Also, there were some mistakes in the script.


#1: Miraz said he found one of Susan's arrows in one of his soldiers (the ones throwing the dwarf in the river). She shot only one arrow, which hit the side of the boat, and both soldiers jump in.



#2: Peter called Prince Caspian by his name and title, when they had first met.



Seeing the movie twice in two days does this to you.


Still, I thought Reepicheep was amazing. <3.


The helmet and armor designs for the Telmarians were also pretty good.




No, in the movie she actually shot the dude. It wasn't a script mistake, just something they changed. They made Susan so violent in this movie. In the books she never went to the battles and it plainly said she shot to miss in that first scene, because she hated to hurt things. Bah.

They also made Edmund swim...

I liked the movie, but it was sorta... I dunno, it was like they shoved a square peg in a round hole... Although I don't know exactly why, the movie just seemed sorta... Abrupt. Like Harry Potter 3 (Movie). It was good, though.

You totally nailed it.

Let me see, which was Harry Potter 3?



Prisoner? No way, that was my favorite. =P I still kinda get what you mean.

It's like what I think of Star Wars III: They hand you a 90 pound, super rich chocolate cake and say "Have some." It's just too much.

Im' currently re-reading it, since I haven't read it for a while now.


Meh, it didn't look like it followed the book very well from the trailer, although it still looked good.


Me can't waits to see Reepicheep.


Why is Lucy WIN? :P






I started by rereading the Caspian and now I'm reading The Silver Chair. :P

I totally didn't mean to.


She was true to her character, and has a funny line with Reepicheep, and she's cute. =D



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I need to see.


Books are good.


Think they'll continue movie-fying the series?

Probably... they seem to be doing really well. They've announced Dawn Treader, and they'll probably make the Silver Chair. After that there really wouldn't be any reason not to finish it.



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No, they're only following the lousy four Daughter's and Son's of Eve, so they'll make DT and then TLB. I hated the silver chair anyways.



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Saw it. Really liked it.



There was about 200% more action than I thouhgt there would be. Reepicheep is still WIN. He is amazing. The Water-being was cool. He ate Sopespian[or was it Glozelle?]. I absolutely LOVED the Telmarine catapults. The concept of an automatic catapult is amazing. I personaly enjoyed the part where the Narnians whacked out the columns under the battlefield. I hoped that they would have had Sopespian/Glozelle as a soldier or conducter when they got back to the station. That would have been a cool way to end the movie. [Even though the book didn't end that way]




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No, they're only following the lousy four Daughter's and Son's of Eve, so they'll make DT and then TLB. I hated the silver chair anyways.



Really? I thought they were making the Caspian series... awww... I like Eustace. D=



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No, they're only following the lousy four Daughter's and Son's of Eve, so they'll make DT and then TLB. I hated the silver chair anyways.



Really? I thought they were making the Caspian series... awww... I like Eustace. D=



I've read from multiple sources (one even from the movie producers) that they are planning on making all 7 books into movies. They've just chosen the order that they have because they don't want the Pevensie actors to grow too much between movies.


Also, in one of those sources, it described why Prince Caspian didn't follow the book as much as Wardrobe did. Most of the reasons were because of things they wanted to do with the future movies.


Finally, yes, I watched Prince Caspian the other day, and (book differences aside) it was quite impressive. I was, however, disappointed with Susan falling in love. The Narnia books were not love stories.



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Yeah, Caspian as a book was only interesting with the Old Narnian backstory with Caspian in Miraz's castle--after the Pevensies arrived it was rather boring. So I can see why Walden & Disney would try to add in so much action that wasn't there.


Meh. >.>

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