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Next Year Already?

ToM Dracone


It's been a while since I made a proper Life entry, one that doesn't have to do with APs...


... although I can't help but bring them up. I have so much free time now that they're over. It feels weird. No more hour-long Bio notes, reading for Euro, occasionally impossible Calc problems; the only regular homework I have is Astronomy and Greek... But I should really be taking advantage of this to work on the literary magazine. Eh.


Anyway, we got our (preliminary but more or less definite) schedules for next year today, and for the first time I actually have conflicts. I had really wanted to take Creative Writing, but it's at the same time as AP US, so I can't, which was very disappointing... and then Intermediate Drawing is at the same time as one of my other APs, not sure which one. But since Drawing is, literally, just drawing, I talked to the Art teacher and she said I could just come down during one of my free periods and work on whatever the normal class is doing.


Still, that leaves me with two free periods. A thing very good for homework, but which also will be put to great use working on the yearbook next year, since I'm now officially the Editor. Which is an incredibly time-consuming post, so having fewer classes than usual is very beneficial...


And meanwhile prom is on Friday; that should be interesting. I think I finally have everything in order for it... finally. *yawns*

~ ToM


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Yes, I have a date (just as friends), but isn't asking where it is a bit of an odd question, CF? Of course, I could just say the nature of the location, but I'm actually not quite sure of that...


And no. Free periods will be spent working on the yearbook. :P

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What other APs are you taking?

US History is a blast when done correctly; I had an amazing teacher this year.

Alexander Hamilton is the dude. You shall see.

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Latin (Catullus and Ovid; I had Vergil this year), English Lit, and Calc BC. Everyone I've heard says the US teacher is amazing, so hopefully I'll find the class as great as they did... I shall indeed see.
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