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Song Doubleplaying



Alright, I wasn't extremely bored yesterday. I have been the last few days, but I had a few projects to do yesterday. It was nice. Even so, I decided to add a little variety to the songs I listen to: mixing them.


The first combination is Numb - Linkin Park with Hot - Avril Lavigne. The first choruses almost come at the same time. The second choruses are exactly simultaneous in starting. It sounded incredibly great together with the exception of volume inequalities. Hot blared out over Numb in the beginning, but eventually Numb overpowered and I could barely here the lyrics of Hot. The last few seconds of Numb saw the final chorus of Hot. It sounds so great with the Numb theme in the background.


Ah, there are the volume controls.


Test two: Bleed it out finished it's first chorus when My Happy Ending (again, Linkin Park and Avril Lavigne respectively) started its first chorus. That's what happens when you combine a 2:48 song with a 4:01 song. This one isn't near so good as Hot & Numb was, and edging alongside the unhappy barrier. I'd be interesting in mixing certain parts with certain parts. We'll see what I come up with in the morning.


I'm thinking that that Numb/Encore song I mentioned a few entries back would be a great song to play alongside other songs. We'll see.


For the first time since I took a break from composing I've been interested in musical variations. It makes me feel good again. Have any of you ever experimented with "doubleplaying"? It'd be interesting to hear some thoughts.


Recommended Comments

@Nukora - I should try that sometime. =D


@Turakii - All you need to do is open two different players on your computer, have the "play" buttons really close together, open a song on each one, and play them together. Of course, it won't always sound that good. =/

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