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What Members Had To Say About Me

Spoony Bard


Some testimonials I recieved that I felt like sharing.


So Shilo's been a member of BZP for almost as long as I can remember. Since his joining, and especially his appointment to the staff, he's been a shining beacon of charisma and leadership. When he talks, people listen, whether they agree with him or not. They do this, not out of respect for his position as staff, or fear of the same, but because they respect his person. He has earned his position, and has given time and time again to this community. From sacrificing time for moderation and maintaining the goings-on, to helping staff and organize numerous LEGO conventions. His sacrifice and hard work are easily a sign that displays the highest level of commitment to a theme, a forum, and a community.


He is a man of integrity, throwing himself into everything he does with earnest passion. Whether it's his Final Fantasy MOCs, or his moderating, if he is passionate, he is committed. Shilo is fantastic with other people, and possesses a fantastic sense of humour. He is easy to get along with, and easy to like. He is a leader, and he leads with grace and dignity. As said above, when he speaks, people listen, and when he moves, people follow. He loves this community, and could never quit us.


I don't know honestly what we would do without him. He's someone that I consider not only a person of authority and respect, but someone I genuinely enjoy, and would consider a friend.

Shilo Parker is one of the coolest, outgoing, and open AFOL's I have met. "They" say first impressions are the most important, and Shilo and I met at BrickFest 04 and hit if off immediately. This could be the fact that we shared the Lego hobby, but I think it was because he has a personality that anyone would want to be around. Not only did we hang out for the rest of the day, but he introduced me to other BZPower staff members who I had only dreamed of meeting. For the record, many people on BZPower dream of meeting Shilo over other staff members.

Which brings me to my next point: BZPower.com. Since the dawn of Bionicle, Shilo has been a fan, and soon after he found BZPower he became a staff member. This shows that not only is he dedicated to a theme (which seems underrepresented by AFOL's), but more importantly that he is a leader and cares much for BZPower, willing to keep it in order for the rest of the BZPower community.

He also cares much for the AFOL community, as he is a member of NELUG, LUGNET, and helped plan the Bionicle section of BrickFest '05, '06, and '07.

Shilo not only builds with Bionicle, but his work with the Lego System is impressive as well. If he becomes a Lego Ambassador, not only will he represent Bionicle and BZPower, but the entirety of Lego and whatever is thrown at him.

As his girlfriend, I know Shilo on a very personal level. He is a huge fan of LEGO and takes the BZP community very seriously. Sometimes it is hard to drag him away from the computer on the weekends because he is dedicated to what he does around the site. Shilo is a very creative person and not many people are fortunate to see this. He takes his interests in other things, such as final fantasy, and puts them together with LEGO, creating such amazing things. He is borderline obsessed final fantasy! He has made custom Minifigs and Airships that are amazing!

From the little time I've spent on BZP, I have seen that he is a well respected member. With the way people are able to speak with him comfortably, and with how much time he spends in the community, I think he would be a very good "voice of the people".

Shilo is probably one of the more entertaining BZP AFOL I know. He also has a ton of stuff on his plate already, which proves he's more than capable of taking on such a job like being an Ambassador. While some might think it's bad to have alot done, it just shows to me he's dedicated to the brick and what it represents. And he's also a very understanding guy and he listens to members when they have questions.


Not asking to vote for me, nor begging it. I am just saying that you should know who you are gonna vote for.




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"You don't know me-- in fact, have probably never heard of me-- but I'm campaigning for your votes." Best. Strategy. Ever. :D


©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM

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