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I Have My Right

Spoony Bard


For those who shall be left unnamed.


I have the right to live my life the way I choose it. I never bring it publicly to BZP. You guys have no right to barge into it and get on my case for small things that I do legally (the speeding thing isn't the issue with this).


If you see images or hear stories of me doing stuff, just let it go and leave me be. Let me be human.




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Life is about choice, good or bad. Same goes for being human.

I personally do not care too much about others' choices, unless it ruins their life or mine.



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Yes, it is legal. But some people are still offended by it, and there's nothing you can do about that.
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I guess I missed something? If this has to do with that image including what i think, then people seriously need to GROW UP!

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I clearly missed something, somewhere.


(Should have checked out BZP drama instead of seeing the Indiana Jones, I suppose)


But what I do know is that everyone makes their own decisions. Those decisions are theirs to make, and and theirs alone. What people do with their lives is their business, and it's not anyone else's to condemn. You can dislike someone's actions, dislike their choices, even disagree with them. That's fine and well. But condemnation and harsh criticism is just ridiculous. We all do things someone else won't like. C'est la vie, mes amies.


And I still love you. :wub:

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First and foremost, BZP is on the internet. (No matter how much it tries to distance itself) Therefore, you have to contend with the Internet Hate Machine. Thennn... Uh... Blame the 12 year old kids.



BTW, who needs magazines anymore? Internets, bro.

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But some people are still offended by it

Let them be offended. It is their own fault that they viewed that image on their own consent, and also looking for that image and uploading it themselves, since I never hosted it for them to see. Just don't ever bring my business over here.



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If it's no issue, then you wouldn't have had a problem with Exo hosting the image.

I'm not going to speak for Omi, but I wouldn't want people taking my personal photographs from my computer and uploading it to the public without my consent. That might leave me a bit sore.


These people are called the Paparazzi 'celebrity journalists'.

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If it's no issue, then you wouldn't have had a problem with Exo hosting the image.

Exo technically shouldn't have had it.



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If it's no issue, then you wouldn't have had a problem with Exo hosting the image.

I'm not going to speak for Omi, but I wouldn't want people taking my personal photographs from my computer and uploading it to the public without my consent. That might leave me a bit sore.


These people are called the Paparazzi 'celebrity journalists'.

He didn't take it off his computer, it was on someone's image gallery previously.

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If it's no issue, then you wouldn't have had a problem with Exo hosting the image.

I'm not going to speak for Omi, but I wouldn't want people taking my personal photographs from my computer and uploading it to the public without my consent. That might leave me a bit sore.


These people are called the Paparazzi 'celebrity journalists'.

He didn't take it off his computer, it was on someone's image gallery previously.

He got it from someone, and that someone wasn't Omi. What does it matter then?

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He got it from someone, and that someone wasn't Omi. What does it matter then?


It was sent to someone IN CONFIDENCE that it would not be distributed. Plain and simple, it should not have been in anyones gallery, period! It is only the fault of the distributor's that Omi is getting all this negativity for something so ridiculous.


Seriously people, get over it and stop being such prudes.

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I have the right to live my life the way I choose it. I never bring it publicly to BZP.


As far as I know, no one's bringing any of this to BZP except you. I've never referenced to that picture here.


FYI I wasn't insulting you, I just found the pic hilarious. Not in a "haha lets make fun of omi" way, more like "oh that omi is so cwazy"

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I have the right to live my life the way I choose it. I never bring it publicly to BZP.


As far as I know, no one's bringing any of this to BZP except you. I've never even referenced to that picture here.


I wasn't insulting you, I just found the pic hilarious. Not in a "haha lets make fun of omi" way, more like "oh that omi is so cwazy"

On the contrary. Bionickel linked to it twice in Ca'gerrin's blog last Thursday with the use to just embarrass me.


I know you weren't using the pic, but I wanted it to be removed so no one else would use it.


And I am curious, whose gallery did you take that pic from?



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