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Hey guys,


Recently, in answer to a question, I had stated that Krakua was a MEMBER of the OOMN. This was a mistake on my part (unfortunately, with all the BIONICLE I write, sometimes I confuse things I thought about doing with what I actually did).


So, to make up for the confusion, I am going to give you guys a sneak preview of Bionicle Legends #11:


Divide and conquer, Pohatu thought as he piloted the Rockoh through a tight turn.

The Makuta forces had split up. Gorast and Vamprah had gone after Icarax; Krika had vanished; Mutran, too, was nowhere in sight; and as soon as he spotted Takanuva, Antroz had sent Bitil and Chirox after him. That left Antroz alone against Lewa, Pohatu and Kopaka.

Not that the Makuta seemed to mind. In full control of the Jetrax T6, he had darted around, over and through every obstacle Pohatu or Lewa had thrown in his way, and outpaced Kopaka with ease. Hitting and running, he had already done significant damage to the Rockoh.

Now Lewa was on Antroz’s tail in the Axalara T9. The Toa of Air was buffeting Antroz’s ship with gale-force winds in an effort to crash it into the forest of stone pillars created by Pohatu. Earlier, Antroz had used his magnetic power to send the Axalara into a spin, and only quick action by Pohatu had kept it from crashing into the swamp.

Antroz spotted the Rockoh and fired. The Jetrax’s Skyblasters hit their target, sending the Rockoh into a spin. Pohatu fought to right the ship, but it was headed for one of the stone pillars he had created. Quickly, he used his elemental power to shatter the rock before the ship collided with it.

Lewa banked to the left, trying to flank Antroz. The Axalara was a more powerful ship, but the Jetrax was faster. He needed to box Antroz in somehow.

Further behind, Kopaka had been working at the same thing. But every ice wall he threw up got blown to pieces by the Jetrax’s weapons or smashed by the vehicle itself. Every rain hail stones had been shrugged off by Antroz and bounced harmlessly off the Jetrax’s armored hull.

Pohatu was back in the fight now, and he was angry. Timing it just right, he made a hand of stone erupt out of the swamp and grab the Jetrax. Before Antroz could power it free, Pohatu hit the controls and pulled the Rockoh’s wings in for a dive. Firing as he flew, he raked the side of the Jetrax with bolts of energy.

Antroz jolted the craft free of the stone hand and wheeled in mid-air, firing at the Rockoh. When Pohatu dodged, Antroz used his gravity power to send the Toa’s ship plunging toward the swamp.

Lewa closed in, rocking the Jetrax with fire from the Axalara’s Skyblasters and shattering the Makuta’s concentration. Free of the increased pull of gravity, Pohatu managed to right his ship just as it skimmed the surface of the water.

Then it was Kopaka’s turn. He used his power to drop the temperature around the Jetrax hundreds of degrees in an instant, slowing down the vehicle’s engines and cutting its speed. Lewa and Pohatu closed in from both sides, ready to destroy the wounded craft.

Only Kopaka was close enough to see what happened next. Just as the two Toa vessels came in range, Antroz disappeared from the cockpit using his power to teleport. Acting quickly, Kopaka threw up ice barriers in front of the Axalara and the Rockoh, shouting, “Stop!”

Neither craft could turn in time, smashing into and through the ice. But the barriers had delayed them just long enough for Kopaka to climb behind the controls of the Jetrax. “All right,” said the Toa of Ice. “If this is the final battle, let’s make it one to remember.”



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Yay for Kopaka! Thanks for the preview, Greg! This increases my excitement for the vehicles (storyline wise). And for the Final Battle!



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Wow, thanks, Greg!


The vehicles sound so cool. The battle's sounding very intense and well-done.


"They're coming in too fast!"

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That's just awesome! I thought that Antroz would be riding the Jetrax for more time that that, but well. And great quote of Kopaka. Greg, you can be sure that I'll buy this and the rest of books. (BTW, Legends 10 came out today!)

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Sweet. It's like the speeder bike battles in Star Wars.


Thanks for the preview Greg. I had heard that Krakua thing, it didn't match with the OoMN's no Matoran-Toa-Turaga rule.


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So that whole necessary in a crisis thing you told me is no longer valid? :(


Oh. And preview. Yay and stuff. :P

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“All right,” said :akaku: the Toa of Ice. “If this is the final battle, let’s make it one to remember.”


Awesome line!! Can't wait till it comes out!!!!

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I thought Krakua was a member, as ET said, that it was desperate times.


But incredible, I can't wait for this book, it sounds like Icarax betrays them or something and joins the Toa or just attacks both sides, or maybe leaves and the others track him down, can't wait to see what happens with Icarax. The battle is great by the sound of it, I thought Jetrax would be destroyed or with Antroz, nice to see Kopaka getting it back.


Thank you Sir.

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Going after Icarax? What could that mean?

Mabye he had a sudden urge to kill the Toa? :lol: Which is against the plan.


But this info is sweet... Hope i can get the book today...

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hmm interesting, thanks Greg, thanks members who made him do this. I saw it all on the OGD. :) But I love the excerp. So why no mentioning of Tahu, Gali, or Onua. It seems like they were left out or something like that. No Chirox either. hmmmm...

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Cool! I wonder what Icarax is up to and where Krika and Mutran went off to.


Thanks for posting this! It's really cool!



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This just made my interest in buying those three vehicles go WAY up. I adore vehicle fights of all kind, and dogfights are some of my favorites. Thanks for the awesome preview, Greg! :)
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This is a pretty awesome. Going after Icarax... does this mean the other Makuta are against Icarax for some reason? I hope so. :) Antroz ought to take the role of leader for himself now. I'm sure he'd be a much better second-in-command for Teridax than that impulsive imbecile Icarax."


I'm probably wrong... but I can always hope.

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Thanks so much for the sneak peak, Greg!


And go Kopaka! I'm glad he gets Jetrax back. It's happier that way.

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Going after Icarax? What could that mean? :blink:
Icarax flew off to the Swamp after being devolved, and chances are the others went after him (if I were the Makuta, I would, knowing Icarax).


Anyways, thank you so much for the sneak. ^_^ 2008 gonna rock.



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I'm confused. Where did Kopaka come from, to take the seat so quickly? I was under the impression he was manipulating his powers around Antroz from a distance away, as he could not keep up without a vehicle of his own.

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I'm confused. Where did Kopaka come from, to take the seat so quickly? I was under the impression he was manipulating his powers around Antroz from a distance away, as he could not keep up without a vehicle of his own.

Well, they were going in all different directions, so maybe he got a chance to get near it when he slowed it down with his ice powers.

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