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They're Back

ToM Dracone


Spring has fully come, absolutely everything has become properly green again, the weather is amazing, and that means it's time to go outside and take some more Tohunga pictures. As well as some gardening stuff on the side. I really can't get enough of them.


First, we have Jala – actually the Tohunga I've had for the longest, since 2003, after Nuparu and his Boxor. I really like the picture on the left; it's one of the few instances I've gotten a good close-up shot where my camera focuses properly and leaves the background blurry...


jala.jpg_thumb.jpg jala2.jpg_thumb.jpg


Next, Kongu. (One of my favorite sets ever.) Once again, I like the first picture best, this time for the way the colors turned out... and apologies for the out-of-focus last shot. It was windy.


kongu3.jpg_thumb.jpg kongu4.jpg_thumb.jpg kongu5.jpg_thumb.jpg kongu6.jpg_thumb.jpg


And now for some familiar faces with unfamiliar names. For a while now, I've been compiling a list of every Matoran to show up on Mata Nui, including the MNOLG, the 2002-3 update videos, and selective characters from the MNOLG2. I've also been trying to come up with names for all of the unnamed ones (all, of course, in the style from 2001-2003), though that's very far from complete... and also changing the less-Maori-like names from the MNOLG2. (Though I'm not keeping all of those Matoran anyway.)


There are a few Matoran I shot today who still need names, and some names I made up whose individual shots didn't turn out well, but I'll get to those later. First up is Hano, a Koli player from the MNOLG.




Next, Kepaua, a Po-Matoran who showed up in 2002 when the Tahnok attacked Po-Koro. His/her gender is debatable. But I do know he/she is one of the Guards of Po-Koro.




A couple Onu-Matoran now. The one with the Kakama shows up in both games, and is named as Tehuti in the second, but I've decided Telanu is a better name for him, and Tehutti can keep his black Huna. The one with the Pakari is only in the first, and he's still in need of a name...




Finally, Akayo. I don't know what his job is yet, so suggestions as to that will be taken into consideration... maybe a member of the Ussalry?




And also needed is a name for a Ga-Matoran, with a blue Kakama, blue feet, and light blue body. Fisherwoman type. There are a few dozen of her in the MNOLG. It should be noted that she's different from Kai, because Kai is solid blue.


In other news, prom was way more fun than I had been expecting. In the realms of music and dancing, it was little different from any other dance-based event (and it was way too loud, which everyone agreed), but since I hate the type of dancing that involves jumping around flailing one's arms anyway, I had expected to find that boring. But it was great fun to spend a few hours talking to my best friends and taking hilarious pictures. More in the way of pictures inside, where it was too loud to hear each other, and talking outside, where we actually could hear each other (but it was cold). Regardless, it was fun. I'm looking forward to going next year, but it can't be quite as much fun, because all of said best friends are seniors (except my date, who was a sophomore) and won't be there next year, and my own grade isn't quite as fun...


Some people's outfits were also quite entertaining. There was a kilt. One of the chaperones was in a purple suit. One of my friends had a lime green tie and green converse (his date was wearing black converse)...


And I now have a cold, probably from someone at prom. Blah. *sniffles* Hope it doesn't last long...

~ ToM


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Tohunga are awesome.


In MNOLG I-II, is there a Matoran that is black-bodied and grey-masked and footed that wears a Matatu?


I have that.

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You could call the Ga Matoran Dosne, like dozen. Cause there are dozens of her.

Oh dang, Dosne's already a Matoran... umm...

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Nice McToran pix. *wants more black masks. Remembers your entry about them.*

No Motoro?



Cold...I hope you offered your date your jacket....

But glad you had fun. I don't mind jumping up and down, but it's the grinding that gets to me. (Luckily my date (at my prom) "doesn't dance," so we got to know each other very well by the end of the night.)


My junior and sophomore friends are going to miss all of us seniors in a few days. What will they do without us?



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I can never get enough of those adorable little things. Brings me back to the "good ol' days". I luffs them. SO MUCH.


Anyway, great pics!

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Nice pics. :) You still have spring, wherever you live? Here in TX, we had like 1-2 weeks of spring. :(

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Hafu ~ Not that I've seen, so I'm afraid not...


Bundalings ~ And that's not a particularly Maori-like name anyway, with the s-n collision... though I like the idea. (I should mention that I've also done away with the Dosne from MNOLG2. He no longer exists as a name or appearance.)


Chocolate (...I'm going to call you that from now on) ~ Matoro's over here; I took him a while ago, but I'm not sure if I ever posted him... Yes, I did offer my jacket, but she declined. >> And I have no idea. My grade's so small and uninvolved in anything that it's going to feel so empty without the seniors...


Takatu ~ Exactly. They are adorable and fun and emblematic of the first few years. Thankee. ^_^


Wil ~ Yeah, Texas spring is ridiculously short, and then you move into six months or so of summer... that's one thing I don't miss. It's a lot longer (though it comes later) up here.


Velox ~ Yup, my back yard. It's quite swell. :D



And thanks for all those who wished me well; I felt a lot worse yesterday, am better now, but I'm still home from school. Coughing semi-incessantly and my throat feels really dry...


...now, anyone have any thoughts on the names I came up with, or ideas for the two nameless ones?

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For the names, ask Takuta-Nui or Darnzerf if you really want names. They're both extremely good. Darnzerf gave me my name, and Takuta-Nui gave me the name of Iavo [from The Chronicles of Velox]. Kopakalaka too, is good, with Martek [also from my epic].


Good luck though ^_^


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Ah, I wish that matoran these days were still that small...


Anyway, nice pics. I really like Kongu. :)


I hope that you get well, and as to some names for the Ga-Matoran... how about Naerora, Mystt, Gohan, or pudding?



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