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Me In A Tree



1 day until graduation!


My friend took this photo with his phone yesterday at the Senior Cookout. I was lucky a teacher didn't come by. Yes, I'm holding a bear. Another friend tossed up her Hormel Spam bear for the picture.


I'm sure I'm the last one to see this, but a friend showed me this this morning.


While I'm giving you random pix, have I shown you The Onion's Pandaburger?


So today some of us went to Joe's restaurant for lunch. It was fun. Nice to hang out with some friends before the very last day of high school.


At about 11:00 PM tomorrow is the All Night Grad Party! I hope all my friends are there and I have fun. (I'm not one for big groups, but I should be able to hang with a few....) They'll have everything, apparently, including games, sports, a pool, poker, and other stuff. I just hope to have a good time until 5:00 the next morning.


And tonight I get to drag my brother off to out youth group, because next meeting he'll have graduated 8th grade and can come without our special "8th grade invitation!"


I'll try to be on again tonight or tomorrow morning, but I might not be on until Friday. Feel like looking at some nano-space!?!?


-CF :kakama:


Quote of the Day: The thunder was ominous-sounding, much like the sound of a thin sheet of metal being shaken backstage during the storm scene in a play.


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