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I'm A Lawyer!



Not exactly... But my class is having a mock trial in Social Studies and I'm the prosecutor. I'm really surprised about how smoothly this trial is going because the other lawyer (defending lawyer) is not doing a very good job. She's not the most assertive person in the world but anyways, we are having fun.


If you guys care, the case is about one person in my class stole a "minature pony" from a farm that he works at under suspicious circumstances but he returned it two days after he "stole" it. Any questions/advice? :P




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The most likely reason that the defense isn't doing much is this- if they returned the 'miniature pony', what did they do wrong that they did not correct later?

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The most likely reason that the defense isn't doing much is this- if they returned the 'miniature pony', what did they do wrong that they did not correct later?

I've thought that and I hope the defense isn't doing that, but I doubt it. How I know? You'll have to trust me. :P


Also, the defendant has admitted that he took the pony home to groom it, etc... However, I'm going to pursue if the defendant actually had permission to take the pony home...


Get a good expert witness.

Hmm... That'll be difficult because there's only three students in my class (small school) and 2 defendant/defending lawyer and I am the prosecutor. So, my teacher is everybody else (the judge and the witnesses) and he is making all of the witnesses difficult (and silly people) to ask. One person is an old man who is nearly deaf, another is a weird 20 year old girl, and the defendant's father who says "no" to every question... :P



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